xy scatter chart

Posted by Tom Carlson on November 24, 2000 5:35 AM

I have created an xy scatter chart. The data points are such that they form a square-shaped box on the chart. I want to plot a single point to this chart to see if this point falls within the boundries of the square box and I can't seem to get Excel to plot the single point. It has no problem adding a new line to the chart (that falls inside the box) but it won't plot the point. Thanks in advance for your help.

Posted by Tim Francis-Wright on November 27, 2000 2:26 PM

The easiest way to add the extra point to the
chart is to have it be a second series of data
in the chart: copy the two-cell range of data
for the second series; click on the chart; and
hhit the paste icon. Then, you can Format
the Data Series and modify this any way you wish.

(It's also possible to include this data point
in your original series, of course; you can modify
how a particular point in a data series appears
in an x-y scatter chart.)