In Excel you also can specify the color using RGB, for example...
ActiveCell.Interior.Color = RGB(253,143,74)
Applies to other objects as well.
Juan Pablo
but in "format chart area" tab "patterns" I have just this little selection of colors... how can I edit this colors? (I don't wanna use vb)... Is there a way?
thanx again! Lucky
Choose the Tools | Options... menu command and
select the Color tab. Default "Chart fills" and
and "Chart lines" are shown. Select the color
that you wish to change, press [ Modify ], and
choose the "Custom" tab. You can adjust RGB
values and then press [ OK ]. You may want to
tweak the values on a clean workbook and save
it as a template or set it aside as a standard
configuration in case a given workbook's colors
are inadvertantly reset. Custom colors can be
re-established on a reset workbook by selecting
an open workbook name using the "Copy colors from"
drop down list.