How do I replace x-y coordinates with labels in a chart?

Posted by Bill Felsher on May 10, 2001 1:52 PM

When you create an x-y plot in Excel and turn the labels on, you get the x-y coordinates. I really want the label to be the name of the project or case or whatever I happen to be plotting. How do I replace the X-y coordinates with a real label.

For example, I plot the following table:
Label X Y
Case 1 2.5 3.6
Case 2 3.1 5.8
Case 3 4.9 9.9

When I turn on the data labels each point gets labeled:
(2.5,3.6); (3.1,5.8); etc. What I want to do is label the points as Case 1, Case 2, etc.

There are too many points and the chart changes too much to label manually.
Please help

Posted by Tim Francis-Wright on May 11, 2001 1:58 PM

Aaron Blood's site has a couple of nice solutions:

Good luck!

Posted by Bill Felsher on May 14, 2001 11:56 AM

FAR OUT. Exactly what I needed. Thanx.