VBA & Macros for Microsoft Excel 2016
November 2015

Automate your Reports with Excel VBA
If you are proficient with Excel but have never used VBA, this book will bring you up the VBA Learning Curve
Buy Now »- 640 Pages
- Publisher: Que Publishing
- ISBN: 978-7897-5585-8
Use this guide to automate virtually any routine task: save yourself hours, days, maybe even weeks! Make Excel do things you thought were impossible, discover macro techniques you won’t find anywhere else, and create automated reports that are amazingly powerful. Bill Jelen and Tracy Syrstad help you instantly visualize information, so you can act on it… capture data from anywhere, and use it anywhere... automate Excel 2016’s best new features.
About MrExcel Library
Every book in the MrExcel Library pinpoints a specific set of crucial Excel tasks and presents focused skills and examples for performing them rapidly and effectively. Selected by Bill Jelen, Microsoft Excel MVP and mastermind behind the leading Excel solutions website MrExcel.com, these books will
- Dramatically increase your productivity—saving you 50 hours a year or more
- Present proven, creative strategies for solving real-world problems
- Show you how to get great results, no matter how much data you have
- Help you avoid critical mistakes that even experienced users make
- Introduction
- Unleash the Power of Excel with VBA
- This Sounds Like BASIC, So Why Doesn't It Look Familiar?
- Referring to Ranges
- Looping and Flow Control
- R1C1-Style Formulas
- Create and Manipulate Names in VBA
- Event Programming
- Arrays
- Creating Classes, Records, and Collections
- Userforms[md]An Introduction
- Data Mining with Advanced Filter
- Using VBA to Create Pivot Tables
- Excel Power-Sample Macros
- Sample User-Defined Functions
- Creating Charts
- Data Visualizations and Conditional Formatting
- Dashboarding with Sparklines
- Reading from and Writing to the Web
- Text File Processing
- Automating Word
- Using Access as a Back End to Enhance Multi-User Access to Data
- Advanced Userform Techniques
- Windows Application Programming Interface (API)
- Handling Errors
- Customizing the Ribbon to Run Macros
- Creating Add-Ins
- Creating Apps with Java Script
- What's New in Excel 2016 and What's Changed
VBA on a Mac
In VBA & Macros for Microsoft Excel, we mentioned that we would post a list of gotchas to watch out for when you are using VBA on a Mac. Here is the list:
- Application.ScreenUpdating doesn't work
- Usersform - don't recommend using big labels. We have no control over the fonts, so it can cause a problem. Actually, the more we can avoid UserForms, the better.
- ActiveX controls - do not work; have to use Form Controls.
- No dlls. That means if you want to let the user lookup a file, you have to do it the hard way.
- Functions: some VB functions may not be available - like Split, Replace.
- Database files: not allowed
- Best rule: Program as if the user has Excel 97
- For more suggestions: http://www.rondebruin.nl/mac.htm#FileFormat