Just find this site, lots of useful info here!
I can enter this MsgBox 5 + 5 and get 10 when I call the message box which works fine, but if I try this MsgBox DATEDIF(TODAY(), 40696, "y") & " years " & DATEDIF(TODAY(), 40696, "ym") & " months " & DATEDIF(TODAY(), 40696, "md") & " days"
I get compile error sub or function not defined, so can a formula like this be put in a message box? I can reference the cell with the formula like this, MsgBox Range("A1"), and it works but I would like to have it all in the message box if possible, Thanks Tim
I can enter this MsgBox 5 + 5 and get 10 when I call the message box which works fine, but if I try this MsgBox DATEDIF(TODAY(), 40696, "y") & " years " & DATEDIF(TODAY(), 40696, "ym") & " months " & DATEDIF(TODAY(), 40696, "md") & " days"
I get compile error sub or function not defined, so can a formula like this be put in a message box? I can reference the cell with the formula like this, MsgBox Range("A1"), and it works but I would like to have it all in the message box if possible, Thanks Tim