I have what I thought would be a simple task however, as I cannot find any info on it, I may be wrong.
The scanario is a large list of competitors playing a knockout competition (Golf). I only want to write their names once so I thought I could list each match (2 players) and as a player wins his match I would change his name to bold (ie CTL + B). This would then automatically carry over to the next match.
With the above in mind, below is an example of a match where Players 1 and 3 would be "bold" in column A. C3 and C4 would have the formula to select the players who name is in bold:
(A1) Player 1
(A2) Player 2
>>>>>>>>>> (C3) Player 1
>>>>>>>>>> (C4) Player 3
(A5) Player 3
(A6) Player 4
I Have been trying various formulas using IfBold and IsBold and have tried some of the UDF's from the forum but I am at the headbanging stage. Any assistance would be appreciated. I am not very experienced with Visual Basic if the help goes in that direction.

The scanario is a large list of competitors playing a knockout competition (Golf). I only want to write their names once so I thought I could list each match (2 players) and as a player wins his match I would change his name to bold (ie CTL + B). This would then automatically carry over to the next match.
With the above in mind, below is an example of a match where Players 1 and 3 would be "bold" in column A. C3 and C4 would have the formula to select the players who name is in bold:
(A1) Player 1
(A2) Player 2
>>>>>>>>>> (C3) Player 1
>>>>>>>>>> (C4) Player 3
(A5) Player 3
(A6) Player 4
I Have been trying various formulas using IfBold and IsBold and have tried some of the UDF's from the forum but I am at the headbanging stage. Any assistance would be appreciated. I am not very experienced with Visual Basic if the help goes in that direction.