Column A (Contains Period): 1, 2, 3, 4....upto 2000
Column B (contains Ratio) : 1.2, 5.2, 2.5, 2.8, 4.7 .....upto 2000 Rows
Column C (Contains 1st_Signal ) :IF(B2>5,"1st_Signal",IF(B2=5,"1st_Signal",""))....upto 2000 Rows
Need Help with
Column D (Contains Notification_Signal):
If there are two signals created in column C within 15 days (Period), than notification generated in Column D at the same row of 2nd signal in Column C. (Notification is only generated in column D if there are two signals in column C with in 15 days. So out of 2000 rows in Column C, there can be signal at 10th row and at 20th row....may be at 200th row etc)
Please Help, I really appreciate any help. Just need help with column D Macro or Formula....
Let me know if you need further clarification Saagar, Help is much appreciated.