I have a feeling that I'm trying to make untraditional use of a class module. Here's what I'm trying to do, maybe you can let me know if I'm off on the wrong track with this.
I have a userform which I've left blank. I've chosen to populate it from a series of class modules at runtime using the Userform Initialize event. Each control that eventually appears on the userform has its own class module.
The controls are designed to affect one another (visible true/false, enabled true/false, value true/false, etc). The problem is that all the controls appearing at runtime.
I've used DoEvents to get the controls to execute code, but I can't get the code from one class module to recognize objects variable (the control) created in other class modules... without assigning all the object variables to public variables dimensioned externally (in the module containing the Show statement, for instance, like I posted above).
Instead of drowning myself in public variables, I've used collections to consolidate like controls. That's the only solution I've found so far, but I'm wide open to suggestions.