Hey Guys -
I am currently using it for Attrition calculations:
For example:
Plugging in the Start Date and then the End Date - is automatically calculating a formula for the length of time and for the tenure that an employee has been employed.
<TABLE style="WIDTH: 348pt; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=464><COLGROUP><COL style="WIDTH: 48pt" width=64><COL style="WIDTH: 61pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 2962" width=81><COL style="WIDTH: 147pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 7168" width=196><COL style="WIDTH: 92pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 4498" width=123><TBODY><TR style="HEIGHT: 12.75pt" height=17><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; WIDTH: 48pt; HEIGHT: 12.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8" class=xl66 height=17 width=64>Start Date</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; WIDTH: 61pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8" class=xl66 width=81>End Date</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; WIDTH: 147pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8" class=xl66 width=196>Length of Time</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; WIDTH: 92pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8" class=xl66 width=123>Tenure</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 12.75pt" height=17><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white; HEIGHT: 12.75pt; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl64 height=17>6-Jun-07</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl64>15-May-08</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65>0 years 11 months 9 days</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65>6 months - 1 year</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
The Length of time Formula:
(=DATEDIF(D17, V17, "y")&" years "&DATEDIF(D17,V17,"ym")&" months "&DATEDIF(D17,V17,"md")&" days"
the Tenure formula:
=LOOKUP(DATEDIF(D28,V28,"m"),{0,3,6,12,24,60},{"0-3 months","3-6 months","6 months - 1 year","1-2 years","2-5 years","5 years +"})
Both require the start dates and end dates to read as DATES. For some reason - the data I have received is showing Start Dates and End Dates but it is not allowing me to change it into the "STYLE" that I need it to read. The result is that I am not able to plug these 700+ start and end dates to be able to get the calculations for Tenure and Length - (Which is needed for pie charts)
Thus - I notice that when I highlight the entire row -of Start Dates - and right click to change to the proper date format - it is for some reason NOT changing ALL the dates into a consist format. And it seems to continue to go right back into a format that I HAVE NOT selected on my own...
Custom: [$-409]d-mmm-yy;@ ... and I have NO idea why it keeps going there.
HELP !!!!!