Hi, I need a little bit of help here ... I can read and process a .txt file from my Excel VBA program, but I am having trouble as follows :
The file I am reading contains a number of heading lines, followed by a number of data lines.
All of the data lines end in a date, so I can use the code ...
... to pick up the data lines & ignore the heading lines. This is fine and works perfectly.
However, the .txt file that I receive is out of my control, and is prone to error, in that the data line occasionally has what I assume is a "Tab" character after the last date, which means that the line above does not recognise the last character as being numeric.
If you double click "06" at the end of each line on the example below, you should be able to see what I mean (in the .txt document, if I place the cursor at the end and press backspace, all characters at the end are deleted, back to the 06, so they are not individual spaces) ...
Can somebody please suggest a way around this ?!?
The file I am reading contains a number of heading lines, followed by a number of data lines.
All of the data lines end in a date, so I can use the code ...
If IsNumeric(Right(MyDSRec, 1)) Then
... to pick up the data lines & ignore the heading lines. This is fine and works perfectly.
However, the .txt file that I receive is out of my control, and is prone to error, in that the data line occasionally has what I assume is a "Tab" character after the last date, which means that the line above does not recognise the last character as being numeric.
If you double click "06" at the end of each line on the example below, you should be able to see what I mean (in the .txt document, if I place the cursor at the end and press backspace, all characters at the end are deleted, back to the 06, so they are not individual spaces) ...
RAMSEY11 29/05 03/06 03/06 13/06
SHAKESPEARE 11 02/06 09/06 09/06 18/06
PREMIER6 03/06 04/06 05/06 18/06
Can somebody please suggest a way around this ?!?