I have setup a Chant Chart which have the following format; <o
Cell A5 is Start Date.<o
Cell B5 is Finish Data. <o
Cell C5 I have the formula: =NETWORKDAYS(A5,B5) to calculate is duration based on 5days a week. <o
> </o
The graphical presentation of the Chant Chart starts at D5- The Chant Chart has the following format.<o
D4 is the start if the first Monday of the year. <o
D3 has the formula =WEEKNUM(D4)<o
D2 has the formula= D4 where the cell format is mmm to represent the month. <o
D1 has the formula= D4 where the cell format is date to represent the day/month/year. <o
E1 has the formula=D1+1 to represent the following day/month/year.<o
F1 has the formula=E1+1<o
> </o
In D5 I have the conditional format: =AND(D$1>=$A5, D$1<=$A5+$C5-1) =Format is Gray. <o
> </o
Issue: <o
The formula in D5 calculates with a 7days per week, so when I insert 7 Jan 08 in cell A5 and 4 Feb. 08 in cell B5 than C5 get the value 18, but my graphical chant Chart start at D5 but ends at 24 Jan. 08 in stead of 4 Feb.08. <o
> </o
Question: <o
How can I resolve this?<o
> </o
Thanks in advantage.<o
Ellerd Beijert<o

I have setup a Chant Chart which have the following format; <o

Cell A5 is Start Date.<o

Cell B5 is Finish Data. <o

Cell C5 I have the formula: =NETWORKDAYS(A5,B5) to calculate is duration based on 5days a week. <o


The graphical presentation of the Chant Chart starts at D5- The Chant Chart has the following format.<o

D4 is the start if the first Monday of the year. <o

D3 has the formula =WEEKNUM(D4)<o

D2 has the formula= D4 where the cell format is mmm to represent the month. <o

D1 has the formula= D4 where the cell format is date to represent the day/month/year. <o

E1 has the formula=D1+1 to represent the following day/month/year.<o

F1 has the formula=E1+1<o



In D5 I have the conditional format: =AND(D$1>=$A5, D$1<=$A5+$C5-1) =Format is Gray. <o


Issue: <o

The formula in D5 calculates with a 7days per week, so when I insert 7 Jan 08 in cell A5 and 4 Feb. 08 in cell B5 than C5 get the value 18, but my graphical chant Chart start at D5 but ends at 24 Jan. 08 in stead of 4 Feb.08. <o


Question: <o

How can I resolve this?<o


Thanks in advantage.<o


Ellerd Beijert<o