Create a color gradient

Bearcat Brew

New Member
Dec 7, 2004
I have a list of RGB color coordinates - red value is in column B, green value in column C, and blue value in column D. Their are 240 sets of coordinates and from top to bottom, it should create a smooth color gradient from pale yellow (249, 248, 206) to dark brown (38, 23, 22). I ran this macro to get column A to represent the color from columns B, C, D:

Sub Palette()

RowNum = 1
For RowNum = 1 To 240
    RedVal = Cells(RowNum, 2).Value
    GreenVal = Cells(RowNum, 3).Value
    BlueVal = Cells(RowNum, 4).Value
    Cells(RowNum, 1).Interior.Color = RGB(RedVal, GreenVal, BlueVal)

End Sub

The result was not a smooth color palette, but a dozen or two cells the same color followed by another dozen or two of a darker color, repeating to row 240.

-Why doesn't this work?
-I have now started doing this in MS Paint by hand. I go to the Edit Colors..., and create a custom color with one set of RGB values, then draw a vertical line about 20 pixels high by 1 pixel wide. I repeat for the next set of values and place the line next to the last one. This makes it look correct, but it is incredibly tedious. Is there a way to automate this from the table in Excel to draw lines in Paint?

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I downloaded it but there is a ton of stuff in there and most is beyond my comprehension level. I think I could figure it out if someone stepped me through it and got me in the right direction.
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An Example:

Private Type mycolor
r As Byte
g As Byte
b As Byte
End Type
Sub Palette()
Dim i As Long, scolor As mycolor, ecolor As mycolor, tcolor As mycolor, n As Long
n = 500
scolor.r = 249
scolor.g = 248
scolor.b = 206
ecolor.r = 138
ecolor.g = 123
ecolor.b = 122
For i = 0 To n - 1
tcolor.r = Int(scolor.r - i * (scolor.r - ecolor.r) / (n - 1))
tcolor.g = Int(scolor.g - i * (scolor.g - ecolor.g) / (n - 1))
tcolor.b = Int(scolor.b - i * (scolor.b - ecolor.b) / (n - 1))
 ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddLine(0, [a1].Offset(i, 0).Top, [a1].Width, [a1].Offset(i, 0).Top).Select
Selection.ShapeRange.Line.Weight = [a1].Offset(i, 0).RowHeight
Selection.ShapeRange.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(tcolor.r, tcolor.g, tcolor.b)
End Sub
Best Regards
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Ah, much more clear. I really appreciate your help. I will give this a try to make modifications to what I have now since I will be able to do quick changes and see quick results.

I found a less tedious workaround in the mean time. I looked at the RGB values on a line chart and noticed distinct sections where the data were linear. Of the 240 values, it was linear from value 1 to 32, then a change of direction and linear again from value 33 to 80, etc. I then created a bar chart with the height of each bar equal to the number of values in that linear section. Next, I colored each bar individually with a color gradient by defining the two colors for the bar from bottom to top. From there, I copied the chart into MS Paint, cut out each bar, rotated 90 degrees, and laid them end to end. Still a manual operation and not exactly an elegant coded solution, but a lot better than drawing 240 lines manually.
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An Example:

Private Type mycolor
r As Byte
g As Byte
b As Byte
End Type
Sub Palette()
Dim i As Long, scolor As mycolor, ecolor As mycolor, tcolor As mycolor, n As Long
n = 500
scolor.r = 249
scolor.g = 248
scolor.b = 206
ecolor.r = 138
ecolor.g = 123
ecolor.b = 122
For i = 0 To n - 1
tcolor.r = Int(scolor.r - i * (scolor.r - ecolor.r) / (n - 1))
tcolor.g = Int(scolor.g - i * (scolor.g - ecolor.g) / (n - 1))
tcolor.b = Int(scolor.b - i * (scolor.b - ecolor.b) / (n - 1))
 ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddLine(0, [a1].Offset(i, 0).Top, [a1].Width, [a1].Offset(i, 0).Top).Select
Selection.ShapeRange.Line.Weight = [a1].Offset(i, 0).RowHeight
Selection.ShapeRange.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(tcolor.r, tcolor.g, tcolor.b)
End Sub
Best Regards

Hi there, Northwolves. This would be perfect code for my purpose of creating a smooth rainbow from all red to all blue (hopefully moving through orange, yellow, green...), but it crashes if the scolor is 255,0,0 with an ecolor of 0,0,255. I guess I don't understand the math keeping the values within correct ranges. Can you help please?

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Oh, getting rid of the Bytes thing fixed the overflow:
Sub Palette()
Dim i As Long, sr As Long, sg As Long, sb As Long, er As Long, eg As Long, eb As Long, tr As Long, tg As Long, tb As Long, n As Long
i = Worksheets("plots").Cells(3, 29).Value
n = 500
sr = 255
sg = 0
sb = 0
er = 0
eg = 0
eb = 255
tr = Int(sr - i * (sr - er) / (n - 1))
tg = Int(sg - i * (sg - eg) / (n - 1))
tb = Int(sb - i * (sb - eb) / (n - 1))
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Rounded Rectangle 2")).Select
With Selection.ShapeRange.Fill
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(tr, tg, tb)
End With
End Sub

But it only morphs from red to blue, without going through the other rainbow of colors. Some more complex math must be needed....?
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This works:
For i = 0 To 765
If i <= 255 Then
tr = Int(0 - i * (0 - 0) / 255)
tg = Int(0 - i * (0 - 255) / 255)
tb = Int(255 - i * (255 - 0) / 255)
ElseIf i > 255 And i < 510 Then
tr = Int(0 - (i - 255) * (0 - 255) / 255)
tg = Int(255 - (i - 255) * (255 - 255) / 255)
tb = Int(0 - (i - 255) * (0 - 0) / 255)
tr = Int(255 - (i - 510) * (255 - 255) / 255)
tg = Int(255 - (i - 510) * (255 - 0) / 255)
tb = Int(0 - (i - 510) * (0 - 0) / 255)
End If

Range("P" & i + 28).Interior.Color = RGB(tr, tg, tb)

Next i
End Sub
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