I am relatively new to Excel. I am trying to create a spreadsheet that will track employee absences for the non-profit organization I work for. I am using a template that I got from the Microsoft Template Gallery and trying to modify it to meet our needs. It can be found at http://officeupdate.microsoft.com/T...,289,288,&RC=4&M=14&mh=20&qu=&ct=&cid=0.75.77.
Sick and Personal leave may be carried over for not more than three years. Full-time employees are entitled to six (6) days sick leave each year with pay after 3 months of work. Sick leave may be accumulated for a period of not more than three years and maximum accumulated sick leave shall be eighteen (18)days. Full-time employees are entitled for four (4) days personal leave each year with pay after three months of work. Personal leave days may be accumulated for a period of not more than three years, and the maximum accumulated leave shall be twelve (12) days. For purposes of this policy, the anniversary date of hire shall be the determining year.
There is no problem with vacation days. They cannot be carried over.
Right now, when one enters a sick or personal day it is added to the total days used which is subtracted from the total days accumulated giving one the total days left. I do not know how to deal with the three years of carry over though. That is, how can I decrease it as days are taken and drop the third year of carry over, if there is any, when year four rolls around? Is this possible to do in Excel?
I really appreciate your input. Thanks.
Sick and Personal leave may be carried over for not more than three years. Full-time employees are entitled to six (6) days sick leave each year with pay after 3 months of work. Sick leave may be accumulated for a period of not more than three years and maximum accumulated sick leave shall be eighteen (18)days. Full-time employees are entitled for four (4) days personal leave each year with pay after three months of work. Personal leave days may be accumulated for a period of not more than three years, and the maximum accumulated leave shall be twelve (12) days. For purposes of this policy, the anniversary date of hire shall be the determining year.
There is no problem with vacation days. They cannot be carried over.
Right now, when one enters a sick or personal day it is added to the total days used which is subtracted from the total days accumulated giving one the total days left. I do not know how to deal with the three years of carry over though. That is, how can I decrease it as days are taken and drop the third year of carry over, if there is any, when year four rolls around? Is this possible to do in Excel?
I really appreciate your input. Thanks.