sub goLINK()
Dim J6 As String 'home
J6 = RANGE("J6")
Application.CutCopyMode = False 'see findmin, does not do 2 things in 1 row
Cells(ActiveCell.row, J6).Select 'open hyperlink gocharts0, SEE: J6J6, if 0 result of dl: p1 range of cells selected
'line above activates vb: goFHL (as below)
RANGE("A1") = vbNullString: goTIMER (2) 'a1 simple macros on-off technique, just stopping some other cursor jumps i have prog'd in
Application.ScreenUpdating = False '<< UPDATE OFF screen jump << USED HERE seems to stop workbook/ webpage selection toggling for mulitple windows..
If UCase(RANGE(G3).OFFSET(2, 0)) = "X" Or UCase(RANGE(G3).OFFSET(2, 0)) = "XX" Then
'do nothing
Cells(ActiveCell.row, J6).OFFSET(, 1).Select 'HIST
goFHL ActiveCell.Formula, ",IF(": goTIMER (2)
End If
Cells(ActiveCell.row, J6).OFFSET(, 2).Select 'OTC sym changes/ splits
goFHL ActiveCell.Formula, ",IF(" 'prob: if change friend name, change these
RANGE("A1") = ".": goHOME
Application.CutCopyMode = False 'getting paste status from dif wb
Application.EnableEvents = True 'EVENTS
'findzero() FINDZERO()
End Sub
'goFHL follow hyperlink vb: excuse notes..
Sub goFHL(strF As String, strDL As String) 'GOFHLXXX gofhlxxx 255 chars AS: goFHL ActiveCell.Formula, ",friendlyname"
Dim V As Variant 'follow HYPERLINK AS: (left of friendly name): goFHL ActiveCell.Formula, ",IF("
'enter quotes as string ANS: either double up on quotes:
'goFHL ActiveCell.Formula, ",""SAM""" 'for: ,"SAM" OR USE: & CHR(34) &
'goFHL ActiveCell.Formula, "," & CHR(34) & "SAM" & CHR(34)
If InStr(1, strF, "HYPERLINK") = 0 Or InStr(1, strF, strDL) = 0 Then
Application.EnableEvents = True: Exit Sub 'EVENTS
End If
V = split(strF, strDL)
On Error Resume Next
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Application.Evaluate(Replace(V(0), "HYPERLINK(", ""))
Application.EnableEvents = True 'EVENTS
'gofhl() GOFHL()
End Sub
Sub goTIMER(NumOfSeconds As Long) '(in seconds eg: 0.5) as: gotimer (1) 'seconds
Application.wait now + NumOfSeconds / 86400#
Application.EnableEvents = True 'EVENTS
End Sub 'gotimer() GOTIMER()
Sub goHOME() 'call as: call gohome
Dim D2 As String 'home
D2 = RANGE("D2")
Cells(ActiveCell.row, D2).Select 'home
end sub