Info only - get.cell arguments


MrExcel MVP
May 1, 2002
Get.cell (an old xl 4 macro function) can be used to return more info about the worksheet environment than is available with the cell() function. No VBA code (or skills) are required. One complication is that you cannot use get.cell directly in the worksheet. However, there is a work-around...

The method is as follows:

1) Determine which of the get.cell arguments you need - see the full list below.
2) Go to Insert | Name | Define.
3) Type a suitably descriptive name (e.g. CellHasFormula, or CellFont etc)
5) In the refers to box, type something of the following format:


This will return info about the cell the final formula is in. To use get.cell to return info about cells other than the ones the formulas are in, , you will need to use on offset, e.g.:


6) enter =CellHasFormula etc in the desired cells.

What follows is a full list of the get.cell arguments. The full help file for excel 4 macros is available here:;EN-US;Q128185&ID=KB;EN-US;Q128185&FR=1<pre>

Returns information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell.
Use GET.CELL in a macro whose behavior is determined by the status of a particular cell.


GET.CELL(type_num, reference)
Type_num is a number that specifies what type of cell information you want.
The following list shows the possible values of type_num and the corresponding results.

Type_num Returns

1 Absolute reference of the upper-left cell in reference, as text in the current workspace reference style.
2 Row number of the top cell in reference.
3 Column number of the leftmost cell in reference.
4 Same as TYPE(reference).
5 Contents of reference.
6 Formula in reference, as text, in either A1 or R1C1 style depending on the workspace setting.
7 Number format of the cell, as text (for example, "m/d/yy" or "General").
8 Number indicating the cell's horizontal alignment:
1 = General​
2 = Left​
3 = Center​
4 = Right​
5 = Fill​
6 = Justify​
7 = Center across cells​
9 Number indicating the left-border style assigned to the cell:
0 = No border​
1 = Thin line​
2 = Medium line​
3 = Dashed line​
4 = Dotted line​
5 = Thick line​
6 = Double line​
7 = Hairline​
10 Number indicating the right-border style assigned to the cell.
See type_num 9 for descriptions of the numbers returned.​
11 Number indicating the top-border style assigned to the cell.
See type_num 9 for descriptions of the numbers returned.​
12 Number indicating the bottom-border style assigned to the cell.
See type_num 9 for descriptions of the numbers returned.​
13 Number from 0 to 18, indicating the pattern of the selected cell
as displayed in the Patterns tab of the Format Cells dialog box,​
which appears when you choose the Cells command from the Format menu.​
If no pattern is selected, returns 0.​
14 If the cell is locked, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
15 If the cell's formula is hidden, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
16 A two-item horizontal array containing the width of the active cell and a logical value
indicating whether the cell's width is set to change as the standard width changes (TRUE)​
or is a custom width (FALSE).​
17 Row height of cell, in points.
18 Name of font, as text.
19 Size of font, in points.

20 If all the characters in the cell, or only the first character, are bold, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
21 If all the characters in the cell, or only the first character, are italic, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
22 If all the characters in the cell, or only the first character, are underlined, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
23 If all the characters in the cell, or only the first character, are struck through, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
24 Font color of the first character in the cell, as a number in the range 1 to 56. If font color is automatic, returns 0.
25 If all the characters in the cell, or only the first character, are outlined, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
Outline font format is not supported by Microsoft Excel for Windows.​
26 If all the characters in the cell, or only the first character, are shadowed, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
Shadow font format is not supported by Microsoft Excel for Windows.​
27 Number indicating whether a manual page break occurs at the cell:
0 = No break​
1 = Row​
2 = Column​
3 = Both row and column​
28 Row level (outline).
29 Column level (outline).
30 If the row containing the active cell is a summary row, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
31 If the column containing the active cell is a summary column, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
32 Name of the workbook and sheet containing the cell If the window contains only a single sheet that has the same
name as the workbook without its extension, returns only the name of the book, in the form BOOK1.XLS.​
Otherwise, returns the name of the sheet in the form "[Book1]Sheet1".​
33 If the cell is formatted to wrap, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
34 Left-border color as a number in the range 1 to 56. If color is automatic, returns 0.
35 Right-border color as a number in the range 1 to 56. If color is automatic, returns 0.

36 Top-border color as a number in the range 1 to 56. If color is automatic, returns 0.
37 Bottom-border color as a number in the range 1 to 56. If color is automatic, returns 0.
38 Shade foreground color as a number in the range 1 to 56. If color is automatic, returns 0.
39 Shade background color as a number in the range 1 to 56. If color is automatic, returns 0.
40 Style of the cell, as text.
41 Returns the formula in the active cell without translating it (useful for international macro sheets).
42 The horizontal distance, measured in points, from the left edge of the active window to the left edge of the cell.
May be a negative number if the window is scrolled beyond the cell.​
43 The vertical distance, measured in points, from the top edge of the active window to the top edge of the cell.
May be a negative number if the window is scrolled beyond the cell.​
44 The horizontal distance, measured in points, from the left edge of the active window to the right edge of the cell.
May be a negative number if the window is scrolled beyond the cell.​
45 The vertical distance, measured in points, from the top edge of the active window to the bottom edge of the cell.
May be a negative number if the window is scrolled beyond the cell.​
46 If the cell contains a text note, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
47 If the cell contains a sound note, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
48 If the cells contains a formula, returns TRUE; if a constant, returns FALSE.
49 If the cell is part of an array, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
50 Number indicating the cell's vertical alignment:
1 = Top​
2 = Center​
3 = Bottom​
4 = Justified​
51 Number indicating the cell's vertical orientation:
0 = Horizontal​
1 = Vertical​
2 = Upward​
3 = Downward​
52 The cell prefix (or text alignment) character, or empty text ("") if the cell does not contain one.

53 Contents of the cell as it is currently displayed, as text, including any additional numbers or symbols resulting from the cell's formatting.
54 Returns the name of the PivotTable view containing the active cell.
55 Returns the position of a cell within the PivotTableView.
56 Returns the name of the field containing the active cell reference if inside a PivotTable view.
57 Returns TRUE if all the characters in the cell, or only the first character, are formatted with a superscript font; otherwise, returns FALSE.
58 Returns the font style as text of all the characters in the cell, or only the first character as displayed in the Font tab of the Format Cells dialog box: for example, "Bold Italic".
59 Returns the number for the underline style:
1 = none​
2 = single​
3 = double​
4 = single accounting​
5 = double accounting​

60 Returns TRUE if all the characters in the cell, or only the first characrter, are formatted with a subscript font; otherwise, it returns FALSE.
61 Returns the name of the PivotTable item for the active cell, as text.
62 Returns the name of the workbook and the current sheet in the form "[book1]sheet1".
63 Returns the fill (background) color of the cell.
64 Returns the pattern (foreground) color of the cell.
65 Returns TRUE if the Add Indent alignment option is on (Far East versions of Microsoft Excel only); otherwise, it returns FALSE.
66 Returns the book name of the workbook containing the cell in the form BOOK1.XLS.

Reference is a cell or a range of cells from which you want information.

If reference is a range of cells, the cell in the upper-left corner of the first range in reference is used.
If reference is omitted, the active cell is assumed.

Tip Use GET.CELL(17) to determine the height of a cell and GET.CELL(44) - GET.CELL(42) to determine the width.


The following macro formula returns TRUE if cell B4 on sheet Sheet1 is bold:

GET.CELL(20, Sheet1!$B$4)

You can use the information returned by GET.CELL to initiate an action.
The following macro formula runs a custom function named BoldCell if the GET.CELL formula returns FALSE:

IF(GET.CELL(20, Sheet1!$B$4), , BoldCell())</pre>
This message was edited by PaddyD on 2002-09-05 22:02
Last edited by a moderator:

Excel Facts

Test for Multiple Conditions in IF?
Use AND(test, test, test, test) or OR(test, test, test, ...) as the logical_test argument of IF.
A word of warning about using XL4 Macro functions in Names.

If a cell containing a formula with one of these names is copied and pasted to another worksheet, Excel2000 will crash.
Upvote 0
It does indeed - should have looked at it.

However, does no harm to re-emphasise this point - might help someone to avoid losing data.
Upvote 0
This standard code will indicate most of the cell format and other data in a MsgBox for any selected cell. I use it to help trouble-shoot functions and code that should work, but don't. As it is all most always a format issue! JSW

VBA Code:
Sub myCDType()
'Cell type(Data, Format, Formula test & Font), of single cell in MsgBox.
'Load code into "Standard Module."
'Best if run by Hot-key(Macros-Macro-Options).
'Test for formula in cell.
Dim myF As String
Dim myFColor
Dim myFCNum

On Error GoTo myErr
myFCNum = Selection.Font.ColorIndex    ' Initialize variable.
Select Case myFCNum    ' Evaluate Number.
Case 0
myFColor = "0: Automatic Color"
Case 1
myFColor = "1: Black"
Case 2
myFColor = "2: White"
Case 3
myFColor = "3: Red"
Case 4
myFColor = "4: Bright Green"
Case 5
myFColor = "5: Blue"
Case 6
myFColor = "6: Yellow"
Case 7
myFColor = "7: Pink"
Case 8
myFColor = "8: Turquoise"
Case 9
myFColor = "9: Dark Red"
Case 10
myFColor = "10: Green"
Case 11
myFColor = "11: Dark Blue"
Case 12
myFColor = "12: Dark Yellow"
Case 13
myFColor = "13: Violet"
Case 14
myFColor = "14: Teal"
Case 15
myFColor = "15: Gray-25%"
Case 16
myFColor = "16: Gray-50%"
Case 33
myFColor = "33: Sky Blue"
Case 34
myFColor = "34: Light Turquoise"
Case 35
myFColor = "35: Light Green"
Case 36
myFColor = "36: Light Yellow"
Case 37
myFColor = "37: Pale Blue"
Case 38
myFColor = "38: Rose"
Case 39
myFColor = "39: Lavender"
Case 40
myFColor = "40: Tan"
Case 41
myFColor = "41: Light Blue"
Case 42
myFColor = "42: Aqua"
Case 43
myFColor = "43: Lime"
Case 44
myFColor = "44: Gold"
Case 45
myFColor = "45: Light Orange"
Case 46
myFColor = "46: Orange"
Case 47
myFColor = "47: Blue-Gray"
Case 48
myFColor = "48: Gray-40%"
Case 49
myFColor = "49: Dark Teal"
Case 50
myFColor = "50: Sea Green"
Case 51
myFColor = "51: Dark Green"
Case 52
myFColor = "52: Olive Green"
Case 53
myFColor = "53: Brown"
Case 54
myFColor = "54: Plum"
Case 55
myFColor = "55: Indigo"
Case 56
myFColor = "56: Gray-80%"

Case Else    ' Other values.
myFColor = myFCNum & ": Other-Custom-Automatic Color"
End Select

If Selection.HasFormula = True Then myF = " and contains a [Formula]." Else _
myF = " and contains [No Formula]."
'Test Alignment of selection?
If Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral Then X = "General" Else
If Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft Then X = "Left" Else
If Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter Then X = "Center" Else
If Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight Then X = "Right" Else
If Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlFill Then X = "Fill" Else
If Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlJustify Then X = "Justify" Else
If Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenterAcrossSelection Then X = "Center Across Selection" Else
If Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlDistributed Then X = "Distributed" Else
If Selection.VerticalAlignment = xlTop Then Y = "Top" Else
If Selection.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter Then Y = "Center" Else
If Selection.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom Then Y = "Bottom" Else
If Selection.VerticalAlignment = xlJustify Then Y = "Justify" Else
If Selection.VerticalAlignment = xlDistributed Then Y = "Distributed" Else
Select Case True
'Test cell data type & format, return to MsgBox for display.
'Note: For some reason the case-order is important!
'Cell is Blank, Cell Format & Formula?
Case IsEmpty(Selection): MsgBox "The Cell Data is: [Blank] with a [" _
& Selection.NumberFormat & "] Format" & myF & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "The Column is : [" & Selection.ColumnWidth & "] wide" _
& " and the Row is: [" & Selection.RowHeight & "] high!" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Horizontal Alignment is: [" & X & "] and the Vertical Alignment is: [" & Y & "]." _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "The font is: [" & Selection.Font.Name & "], size [" _
& Selection.Font.Size & "], style [" & Selection.Font.FontStyle & _
"] and color [" & myFColor & "].", Title:="Cell Address: " & Selection.Address & ", Properties!"
'Cell is Text, Cell Format & Formula?
Case Application.IsText(Selection): MsgBox "The Cell Data is: [Text] with a [" _
& Selection.NumberFormat & "] Format" & myF & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "The Column is : [" & Selection.ColumnWidth & "] wide" _
& " and the Row is: [" & Selection.RowHeight & "] high!" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Horizontal Alignment is: [" & X & "] and the Vertical Alignment is: [" & Y & "]." _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "The font is: [" & Selection.Font.Name & "], size [" _
& Selection.Font.Size & "], style [" & Selection.Font.FontStyle & _
"] and color [" & myFColor & "].", Title:="Cell Address: " & Selection.Address & ", Properties!"
'Cell is Date, Cell Format & Formula?
Case IsDate(Selection): MsgBox "The Cell Data is a: [Date] with a [" _
& Selection.NumberFormat & "] Format" & myF & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "The Column is : [" & Selection.ColumnWidth & "] wide" _
& " and the Row is: [" & Selection.RowHeight & "] high!" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Horizontal Alignment is: [" & X & "] and the Vertical Alignment is: [" & Y & "]." _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "The font is: [" & Selection.Font.Name & "], size [" _
& Selection.Font.Size & "], style [" & Selection.Font.FontStyle & _
"] and color [" & myFColor & "].", Title:="Cell Address: " & Selection.Address & ", Properties!"
'Cell is Time, Cell Format & Formula?
Case InStr(1, Selection.Text, ":")<> 0: MsgBox "The Cell Data is a: [Time] with a [" _
& Selection.NumberFormat & "] Format" & myF & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "The Column is : [" & Selection.ColumnWidth & "] wide" _
& " and the Row is: [" & Selection.RowHeight & "] high!" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Horizontal Alignment is: [" & X & "] and the Vertical Alignment is: [" & Y & "]." _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "The font is: [" & Selection.Font.Name & "], size [" _
& Selection.Font.Size & "], style [" & Selection.Font.FontStyle & _
"] and color [" & myFColor & "].", Title:="Cell Address: " & Selection.Address & ", Properties!"
'Cell is Logical, Cell Format & Formula?
Case Application.IsLogical(Selection): MsgBox "The Cell Data is: [Logical] with a [" _
& Selection.NumberFormat & "] Format" & myF & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "The Column is : [" & Selection.ColumnWidth & "] wide" _
& " and the Row is: [" & Selection.RowHeight & "] high!" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Horizontal Alignment is: [" & X & "] and the Vertical Alignment is: [" & Y & "]." _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "The font is: [" & Selection.Font.Name & "], size [" _
& Selection.Font.Size & "], style [" & Selection.Font.FontStyle & _
"] and color [" & myFColor & "].", Title:="Cell Address: " & Selection.Address & ", Properties!"
'Cell is Error, Cell Format & Formula?
Case Application.IsErr(Selection): MsgBox "The Cell Data is an: [Error] with a [" _
& Selection.NumberFormat & "] Format" & myF & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "The Column is : [" & Selection.ColumnWidth & "] wide" _
& " and the Row is: [" & Selection.RowHeight & "] high!" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Horizontal Alignment is: [" & X & "] and the Vertical Alignment is: [" & Y & "]." _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "The font is: [" & Selection.Font.Name & "], size [" _
& Selection.Font.Size & "], style [" & Selection.Font.FontStyle & _
"] and color [" & myFColor & "].", Title:="Cell Address: " & Selection.Address & ", Properties!"
'Cell is Value, Cell Format & Formula?
Case IsNumeric(Selection): MsgBox "The Cell Data is a: [Value] with a [" _
& Selection.NumberFormat & "] Format" & myF & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "The Column is : [" & Selection.ColumnWidth & "] wide" _
& " and the Row is: [" & Selection.RowHeight & "] high!" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Horizontal Alignment is: [" & X & "] and the Vertical Alignment is: [" & Y & "]." _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "The font is: [" & Selection.Font.Name & "], size [" _
& Selection.Font.Size & "], style [" & Selection.Font.FontStyle & _
"] and color [" & myFColor & "].", Title:="Cell Address: " & Selection.Address & ", Properties!"
End Select
MsgBox "Select One Cell Only!"
End Sub
This message was edited by Joe Was on 2003-01-02 23:53 [/Formula]
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Upvote 0
Joe Was

Thanks. I think I can make use of that procedure.

Here's a trimmed down version of the "MsgBox" part of the code :-

VBA Code:
With Selection
'Test cell data type & format, return to MsgBox for display.
'Note: For some reason the case-order is important!

st = .NumberFormat & "] Format" & myF & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "The Column is : [" & .ColumnWidth & "] wide" _
& " and the Row is: [" & .RowHeight & "] high!" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Horizontal Alignment is: [" & x & "] and the Vertical Alignment is: [" & Y & "]." _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "The font is: [" & .Font.Name & "], size [" _
& .Font.Size & "], style [" & .Font.FontStyle & _
"] and color [" & myFColor & "]."

Select Case True
'Cell is Blank, Cell Format & Formula?
Case IsEmpty(Selection): z = "The Cell Data is: [Blank] with a ["
'Cell is Text, Cell Format & Formula?
Case Application.IsText(Selection): z = "The Cell Data is: [Text] with a ["
'Cell is Date, Cell Format & Formula?
Case IsDate(Selection): z = "The Cell Data is a: [Date] with a ["
'Cell is Time, Cell Format & Formula?
Case InStr(1, .Text, ":") <> 0: z = "The Cell Data is a: [Time] with a ["
'Cell is Logical, Cell Format & Formula?
Case Application.IsLogical(Selection): z = "The Cell Data is: [Logical] with a ["
'Cell is Error, Cell Format & Formula?
Case Application.IsErr(Selection): z = "The Cell Data is an: [Error] with a ["
'Cell is Value, Cell Format & Formula?
Case IsNumeric(Selection): z = "The Cell Data is a: [Value] with a ["
End Select
'Display information
MsgBox z & st, Title:="Cell Address: " & .Address & ", Properties!"
End With
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Upvote 0
Thank's for the cleanup, had to remove the case select above the With statement to make it work though. JSW
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