I hope I can explain this so that it makes sense. here is a sample of my data:
X______ Y______ Z_________
5______ 1______ 48.3189333
10_____ 1______ 40.40369468
15_____ 1______ 44.52716888
5______ 0.9____ 29.77774948
10_____ 0.9____ 31.40946542
15_____ 0.9____ 34.22632184
5______ 0.8____ 19.50047199
10_____ 0.8____ 20.94893318
15_____ 0.8____ 23.86645134
I have an equation with x,y and z in it. I want to have x=5,10,15,20...60 and y=1 to find the cooresponding z values. Then I will have x=5,10,15,20...60 again and y=.9 to find the cooresponding z values. I repeat this for y=.8,.7,.6, and .5. I would like my y-axis to range from .5-1 and my x-axis range from 5-60.
This message was edited by bellgirl on 2002-08-13 09:52
This message was edited by bellgirl on 2002-08-13 09:54