justme said:I feel silly for asking, but how else do you learn?
I really don't know, perhaps the + converts the value in B23 to number in the same way that -- does?
Tom Urtis said:It has nothing to do with the double negation coercer.
The leading "+" is for compatibility with Lotus, which does nothing good or bad to Excel formulas, except that it looks odd. Lotus formulas began with "+", "-", or "@". If the formula has a "-" sign in front of it then that would be significant, but a "+" sign for Excel means nothing significant, in your case sort of like saying =0+B23. As you can see, since the leading "+" does nothing and means nothing, it can be deleted.
Hello Aladin - -Aladin Akyurek said:The translation you make from
would make it a coercer.