I have a main sheet (number 1) and many supporting sheets (2-N) in a workbook
On the each supporting sheet I have hyperlinks to the main sheet. how can I return to where I came from.
If I had 15 supporting sheets, I would not want 15 selections on the main sheet.
Would it be possible to, as I click the link on the supporting sheet to create one "on the fly" on the main sheet. Then when I click that one (on the main sheet to return), delete it, so it will not sit there forever
Here is my hyperlink code
Range("B6").Select ' place to put hyperlink on supporting sheet
referTo = "Main!" & "B1" ' target location on main sheet
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", _
SubAddress:= referTo, ScreenTip:="Help Text", TextToDisplay:="To Main"
Seems like a tricky thing to accomplish........
By the way, discovered that spaces in the sheet name are a problem
On the each supporting sheet I have hyperlinks to the main sheet. how can I return to where I came from.
If I had 15 supporting sheets, I would not want 15 selections on the main sheet.
Would it be possible to, as I click the link on the supporting sheet to create one "on the fly" on the main sheet. Then when I click that one (on the main sheet to return), delete it, so it will not sit there forever
Here is my hyperlink code
Range("B6").Select ' place to put hyperlink on supporting sheet
referTo = "Main!" & "B1" ' target location on main sheet
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", _
SubAddress:= referTo, ScreenTip:="Help Text", TextToDisplay:="To Main"
Seems like a tricky thing to accomplish........
By the way, discovered that spaces in the sheet name are a problem