Hello -
I'm tying to finds the most recent X or O. Then takes the price on that day and compares it to the current price and based on the difference either higher or lower puts out an X if the current price is higher and an O if the current price is lower by the Half StartData - however when i get to about 6 IF statement it freeze up and it wont give me the X or O's
please help!!
I'm tying to finds the most recent X or O. Then takes the price on that day and compares it to the current price and based on the difference either higher or lower puts out an X if the current price is higher and an O if the current price is lower by the Half StartData - however when i get to about 6 IF statement it freeze up and it wont give me the X or O's
please help!!
71 23.91 2.200502 1.100251 6 O
72 24.17 2.200502 1.100251 7 O
73 25.49 2.200502 1.100251 8 O X
74 25.29 2.200502 1.100251 9 X O FALSE
75 25.48 2.200502 1.100251 10 X O FALSE
76 26.06 2.200502 1.100251 11 X O FALSE
77 25.92 2.200502 1.100251 12 X O FALSE
78 27.38 2.200502 1.100251 13 X X
79 27.29 2.200502 1.100251 14 X X FALSE
80 27.41 2.200502 1.100251 15 X FALSE
81 26.41 2.200502 1.100251 16 X FALSE
82 24.69 2.200502 1.100251 17 X O
83 25.53 2.200502 1.100251 18 O X FALSE
84 25.71 1.535899 0.767949 19 19 O X X
85 25.84 1.535899 0.767949 1 X O FALSE
86 26.86 1.535899 0.767949 2 X O X
S&R spotting
[Table-It] version 09 by Erik Van Geit
RANGE FORMULA (1st cell)
I71:I86 =H71/2
J71:J86 =IF(C71=C70,J70+1,1)
K71:K86 =IF(J72=1,J71," ")
M71:M86 =IF($S70="X","X",IF($S70="O","O"," "))
N71:N86 =IF($S69="X","X",IF($S69="O","O"," "))
O71:O86 =IF($S68="X","X",IF($S68="O","O"," "))
P71:P86 =IF($S67="X","X",IF($S67="O","O"," "))
Q71:Q86 =IF($S66="X","X",IF($S66="O","O"," "))
R71:R86 =IF($S65="X","X",IF($S65="O","O"," "))
S73 =IF(OR(M73="O",M73="X"),IF(G73-G72>=I73,"X",IF(G72-G73>=I73,"O")),IF(OR(N73="O",N73="X"),IF(G73-G71>=I73,"X",IF(G71-G73>=I73,"O")),IF(OR(O73="O",O73="X"),IF(G73-G70>=I73,"X",IF(G70-G73>=I73,"O")),IF(OR(P73="O",P73="X"),IF(G73-G69>=I73,"X",IF(G69-G73>=I73,"O")),IF(OR(Q73="O",Q73="X"),IF(G73-G68>=I73,"X",IF(G68-G73>=I73,"O")),IF(OR(R73="O",R73="X"),IF(G73-G67>=I73,"X",IF(G67-G73>=I73,"O"))," "))))))
S74 =IF(OR(M74="O",M74="X"),IF(G74-G73>=I74,"X",IF(G73-G74>=I74,"O")),IF(OR(N74="O",N74="X"),IF(G74-G72>=I74,"X",IF(G72-G74>=I74,"O")),IF(OR(O74="O",O74="X"),IF(G74-G71>=I74,"X",IF(G71-G74>=I74,"O")),IF(OR(P74="O",P74="X"),IF(G74-G70>=I74,"X",IF(G70-G74>=I74,"O")),IF(OR(Q74="O",Q74="X"),IF(G74-G69>=I74,"X",IF(G69-G74>=I74,"O")),IF(OR(R74="O",R74="X"),IF(G74-G68>=I74,"X",IF(G68-G74>=I74,"O"))," "))))))
S75:S86 =IF(OR(M75="O",M75="X"),IF(G75-G74>=I75,"X",IF(G74-G75>=I75,"O")),IF(OR(N75="O",N75="X"),IF(G75-G73>=I75,"X",IF(G73-G75>=I75,"O")),IF(OR(O75="O",O75="X"),IF(G75-G72>=I75,"X",IF(G72-G75>=I75,"O")),IF(OR(P75="O",P75="X"),IF(G75-G71>=I75,"X",IF(G71-G75>=I75,"O")),IF(OR(Q75="O",Q75="X"),IF(G75-G70>=I75,"X",IF(G70-G75>=I75,"O")),IF(OR(R75="O",R75="X"),IF(G75-G69>=I75,"X",IF(G69-G75>=I75,"O"))," "))))))
[Table-It] version 09 by Erik Van Geit