My question is threefold, and concerning open PDF files (in acrobat, not Excel) using Excel.
Thanks to another thread I have the basic code I need. This code will take the value of the active cell (which is a filename) and open the corresponding PDF document of the same name.
However there are a couple of instances where I am getting an error.
Firstly, there are close to a thousand books titles listed (in column A). Some of these, though copying and pasting, have ended up with a space after the final word. This means for example that the macro would try to open book_1 .pdf (space after the 1), while the file is actually called book_1.pdf (no space after the 1). This is throwing back an error. Rather than having to go through all the book titles one at a time to see which have a space after the final word and then delete the spaces, is there any way to tell the code to ignore a space if it appears at the end of the cell's value? Or if it is easier to delete a space if it finds one at the end? (Bearing in mind that there are spaces often in between words in the titles that need to stay).
Secondly, Once I have finished the document, it will go out to a number of people. The excel document lives in the same folder as the PDF library. However, as different people open the excel document either on the DVD they receive or after copying the folder from the DVD, the hyperlink path will presumably no longer link correctly as while it is on the M drive on my system, it is unlikely it will be on theirs. As the excel document will always be in the same folder as the destination PDF files, is there any way to specify this with the link, rather than have to give a drive letter. Hope that wasn't too convoluted!
Finally, I have a feeling the answer to this question is no as I am talking about two unrelated programs, but it's worth a shot! Is there any way to not only open a PDF from Excel, but also specify what bookmark within he PDF to open it at? For example if I have all the chapters in a PDF bookmarked, can I specify a link in excel for Book 1 chapter 5?
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
Thanks to another thread I have the basic code I need. This code will take the value of the active cell (which is a filename) and open the corresponding PDF document of the same name.
Sub OpenPDF()
Dim fName As String
Dim fExt As String
Dim fPath As String
Dim fFullPath As String
fName = ActiveCell.Value
fPath = "M:\Books\"
fExt = ".pdf"
fFullPath = fPath & fName & fExt
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=fFullPath, NewWindow:=True
End Sub
Firstly, there are close to a thousand books titles listed (in column A). Some of these, though copying and pasting, have ended up with a space after the final word. This means for example that the macro would try to open book_1 .pdf (space after the 1), while the file is actually called book_1.pdf (no space after the 1). This is throwing back an error. Rather than having to go through all the book titles one at a time to see which have a space after the final word and then delete the spaces, is there any way to tell the code to ignore a space if it appears at the end of the cell's value? Or if it is easier to delete a space if it finds one at the end? (Bearing in mind that there are spaces often in between words in the titles that need to stay).
Secondly, Once I have finished the document, it will go out to a number of people. The excel document lives in the same folder as the PDF library. However, as different people open the excel document either on the DVD they receive or after copying the folder from the DVD, the hyperlink path will presumably no longer link correctly as while it is on the M drive on my system, it is unlikely it will be on theirs. As the excel document will always be in the same folder as the destination PDF files, is there any way to specify this with the link, rather than have to give a drive letter. Hope that wasn't too convoluted!
Finally, I have a feeling the answer to this question is no as I am talking about two unrelated programs, but it's worth a shot! Is there any way to not only open a PDF from Excel, but also specify what bookmark within he PDF to open it at? For example if I have all the chapters in a PDF bookmarked, can I specify a link in excel for Book 1 chapter 5?
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
