Hi, I have a question regarding Access Query. My Query results looks like the below one.
My requirement is to accumulate the values in each column.
Secondly, I would like show the result in accumulated percentages too.
How can I achieve this in Access. Sorry, I could not above align the query results to the column.
ClosedSlab Consumer Consumer-Gold Enterprise Prestige SMB
1 30158 20014 4058 7817 4523
2 5240 3582 588 736 640
3 2141 1507 182 195 220
4 1054 664 98 187 118
5 498 253 55 108 55
6 261 147 28 61 31
7 141 85 27 35 22
8 82 40 14 17 10
9 37 15 5 8 4
10 17 11 3 3 5
11 12 2 1 2
12 6 2 2 2
13 2 1
39649 26323 5059 9171 5630
My requirement is to accumulate the values in each column.
Secondly, I would like show the result in accumulated percentages too.
How can I achieve this in Access. Sorry, I could not above align the query results to the column.