Dear forum,
I have come with the situation of little bit different requirement. I need to extract the list as below given situation.
I want to extract the individual details by month of loan sanctioned ("J" column), Not by the Date of registered.. Date of registered and Date of loan sanctioned differs here. . I have done the count using "Helper Column".
For example: On July 2014 - Dec 2014, Totally 52 persons were registered in the bank for applying loan. But only 14 were sanctioned loan by bank and loan were sanctioned in different months. Now I want extract the individual data based on loan were sanctioned.
I have tried few formula, but not able to get the logic to extract by loan sanctioned date. "Array formulas are really dynamic" and i am in crawling stage now in array formula.
No option for attachment here?
This same requirement was post in How to extract the list from Master data between two dates - Situation differs ...
Please guide me.
Thanks in advance.
I have come with the situation of little bit different requirement. I need to extract the list as below given situation.
I want to extract the individual details by month of loan sanctioned ("J" column), Not by the Date of registered.. Date of registered and Date of loan sanctioned differs here. . I have done the count using "Helper Column".
For example: On July 2014 - Dec 2014, Totally 52 persons were registered in the bank for applying loan. But only 14 were sanctioned loan by bank and loan were sanctioned in different months. Now I want extract the individual data based on loan were sanctioned.
I have tried few formula, but not able to get the logic to extract by loan sanctioned date. "Array formulas are really dynamic" and i am in crawling stage now in array formula.
No option for attachment here?
This same requirement was post in How to extract the list from Master data between two dates - Situation differs ...
Please guide me.
Thanks in advance.