MrExcelHtml maker: pasting only □ □ , or r r


MrExcel MVP
Sep 18, 2013
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
A couple of days ago, my Mr Excel HTML maker started pasting only □ □, or more recently r r.

I'm using Win8 64bit, with 32bit Office. I see from another post that at least one other person is having the same problem.

Does anyone know the fix? I've switched to Excel Jeanie in the meantime.

It did that to me as well. I traced it to a clipboard problem. Somehow, Excel was not using it properly.

The fix was to use the Windows functions directly. As far as I can remember, I needed to change only one module: mCreateHTML

Please make copies and test thoroughly as this is in no way guaranteed ....

Code is not posting correctly - I will have play and add another post later. Apologies.
Last edited:
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OK, I turned HTML off ...

'Private Declare PtrSafe Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr) As Long

#If Win64 Then
    'Private Declare PtrSafe Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr) As Long
    'Private Declare PtrSafe Function EmptyClipboard Lib "user32.dll" () As Long
    'Private Declare PtrSafe Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32.dll" () As Long
    'Private Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
    'Private Declare Function EmptyClipboard Lib "user32.dll" () As Long
    'Private Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32.dll" () As Long
#End If

' Fix for dicky clipboard =================================================
' Thread:
' Fix:
Declare Function GlobalUnlock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) _
   As Long
Declare Function GlobalLock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) _
   As Long
Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal wFlags As Long, _
   ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "User32" () As Long
Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "User32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) _
   As Long
Declare Function EmptyClipboard Lib "User32" () As Long
Declare Function lstrcpy Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString1 As Any, _
   ByVal lpString2 As Any) As Long
Declare Function SetClipboardData Lib "User32" (ByVal wFormat _
   As Long, ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Public Const GHND = &H42
Public Const CF_TEXT = 1
Public Const MAXSIZE = 4096
' End of Fix for dicky clipboard ==============================================
Sub Clear_Clipboard()
    'clear clipboard first
    OpenClipboard (0)
End Sub

Sub Make_Grid(Optional ByVal generator_setting As Variant)  'must be set as variant to use IsMissing
    Dim rngWhole As Range, vGrid As Variant, vWBnms As Variant, vWSnms As Variant
    Dim strOutput As String
    Dim objData As DataObject
    Dim rngFormulas As Range, rngTemp As Range, ar As Range
    Dim lngRows As Long
    Dim blnHasNames As Boolean
    Dim i As Long
    Dim FormulasToParse As FormulaSettings

    blnHasNames = (ActiveWorkbook.Names.Count > 0)
    If IsMissing(generator_setting) Then
        FormulasToParse = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Settings").Range("A1").Value
        FormulasToParse = generator_setting
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    If Selection.Count = 1 Then
        Set rngWhole = Selection
        Set rngWhole = Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    If rngWhole Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    'not efficient for every case but will work!:
    Generate_Grid vGrid, rngWhole
    If IsEmpty(vGrid) Then Exit Sub  'check to see if max col or max rows exceeded
    Set objData = New DataObject
    'strOutput = "<b>" & ExcelVersion() & "</b><table width=""" & Application.Lookup(UBound(vGrid, 2), Array(2, 3, 4, 5), Array("30%", "50%", "70%", "90%")) & """ cellpadding=""2.5px"" rules=""all"" style="";background-color: " & TB_BCKGRND_COLOR & ";border: 1px solid;border-collapse: collapse; border-color: " & TB_BORDER_COLOR & """>" '
    strOutput = "<b>" & ExcelVersion() & "</b><table cellpadding=""2.5px"" rules=""all"" style="";background-color: " & TB_BCKGRND_COLOR & ";border: 1px solid;border-collapse: collapse; border-color: " & TB_BORDER_COLOR & """>" '
    strOutput = strOutput & Grid_2_html(vGrid)
    strOutput = strOutput & "</tbody></table><p style=""width:" & Len(rngWhole.Parent.Name) * 0.6 & "em;font-weight:bold;margin:0;padding:0.2em 0.6em 0.2em 0.5em;border: 1px solid " & TB_BORDER_COLOR & ";border-top:none;text-align: center;background-color: " & ROWHDR_BCKGRND_COLOR & ";color: " & ROWHDR_FONT_COLOR & """>" & rngWhole.Parent.Name & "</p><br /><br />" '
    On Error Resume Next 'turn off error reporting so next bit doesnt fail
    If rngWhole.Count = 1 Then
        If rngWhole.HasFormula Then Set rngFormulas = rngWhole
        Select Case FormulasToParse
            Case AllFormulas
                Set rngFormulas = rngWhole.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
            Case FirstCell
                Set rngFormulas = rngWhole.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas).Cells(1, 1)
            Case FirstCellInColumn
                Set rngTemp = rngWhole.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
                If Not rngTemp Is Nothing Then
                    For Each ar In rngTemp.Areas
                        For i = 1 To ar.Columns.Count
                            If rngFormulas Is Nothing Then
                                Set rngFormulas = ar(1, i)
                                Set rngFormulas = Union(rngFormulas, ar(1, i))
                            End If
                        Next i
                    Next ar
                End If
            Case NoFormulas
                Set rngFormulas = Nothing
            Case UserDefined
                Set rngFormulas = Application.InputBox("Select cells to include in output", "Select Formula Cells", Type:=8)
                'next bit should fix the problem if only a single cell range is selected (should restrict to that single cell):
                If rngFormulas.Count > 1 Then Set rngFormulas = rngFormulas.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
            Case Else
                Set rngFormulas = rngWhole.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
        End Select
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    Dim cell As Range, rngHasArray As Range, rngNormalFormula As Range
    If Not rngFormulas Is Nothing Then
        'extract defined names in activeworkbook referenced in formula:
        If blnHasNames Then Identify_Used_Names rngFormulas, vWBnms, vWSnms
        For Each cell In rngFormulas
            'if the cell is merged we only want the first cell in the merged area
            If cell.MergeArea.Cells(1).Address(False, False) = cell.Address(False, False) Then
                'does the cell have an array formula?
                If cell.HasArray Then
                    'if it is a single cell array formula or a merged cell
                    If (cell.Address(False, False) = cell.CurrentArray.Address(False, False)) Or (cell.MergeArea.Address(False, False) <> cell.Address(False, False)) Then
                        If rngHasArray Is Nothing Then
                            Set rngHasArray = cell
                            Set rngHasArray = Union(rngHasArray, cell)
                        End If
                    'if it is a multiple cell array formula
                        If rngHasArray Is Nothing Then
                            Set rngHasArray = cell
                            If Intersect(rngHasArray, cell.CurrentArray) Is Nothing Then
                                Set rngHasArray = Union(rngHasArray, cell)
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If

                'it is not an array formula
                    If rngNormalFormula Is Nothing Then
                        Set rngNormalFormula = cell
                        Set rngNormalFormula = Union(rngNormalFormula, cell)
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next cell
        If Not rngNormalFormula Is Nothing Then _
            strOutput = strOutput & "<table width=""85%"" cellpadding=""2.5px"" rules=""all"" style="";border: 2px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;padding: 0.4em;background-color: " & TB_BCKGRND_COLOR & """ ><tr><td style=""padding:6px"" ><b>Worksheet Formulas</b>" _
                & MakeFormulaTable(rngNormalFormula) & "</td></tr></table><br />"
        If Not rngHasArray Is Nothing Then _
            strOutput = strOutput & "<table width=""85%"" cellpadding=""2.5px"" rules=""all"" style="";border: 2px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;padding: 0.4em;background-color: " & TB_BCKGRND_COLOR & """ ><tr><td style=""padding:6px"" ><b>Array Formulas</b>" _
                & MakeFormulaTable(rngHasArray, True) & "<b>Entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter.</b> If entered correctly, Excel will " & _
                "surround with curly braces {}." & Chr$(10) & "<b>Note: Do not try and enter the {} manually yourself</b></td></tr></table><br />"
        If Not IsEmpty(vWBnms) Then _
            strOutput = strOutput & "<table width=""85%"" cellpadding=""2.5px"" rules=""all"" style="";border: 2px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;padding: 0.4em;background-color: " & TB_BCKGRND_COLOR & """ ><tr><td style=""padding:6px"" ><b>Workbook Defined Names</b>" _
            & MakeNameTable(vWBnms) & "</td></tr></table><br />"
         If Not IsEmpty(vWSnms) Then _
            strOutput = strOutput & "<table width=""85%"" cellpadding=""2.5px"" rules=""all"" style="";border: 2px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;padding: 0.4em;background-color: " & TB_BCKGRND_COLOR & """ ><tr><td style=""padding:6px"" ><b>Worksheet Defined Names</b>" _
            & MakeNameTable(vWSnms) & "</td></tr></table>"
    End If
    ClipBoard_SetData (strOutput)
    'objData.SetText strOutput
End Sub

Function Grid_2_html(vGrid As Variant) As String
    Dim strTemp As String
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    'generate first col identifier first:
    strTemp = "<colgroup><col width=""25px"" style=""background-color: " & ROWHDR_BCKGRND_COLOR & """ />"  '
    For i = 2 To UBound(vGrid, 2)
        strTemp = strTemp & "<col />"   'iterate thru and generate the rest
    Next i
    strTemp = strTemp & "</colgroup>" 'close the colgroup tag
    For i = 1 To UBound(vGrid, 1)
        For j = 1 To UBound(vGrid, 2)
            If i = 1 And j = 1 Then
                strTemp = strTemp & "<thead><tr style="" background-color: " & COLHDR_BCKGRND_COLOR & ";text-align: center;color: " & ROWHDR_FONT_COLOR & """><th></th>"  'first cell so start html
            ElseIf i = 1 Then 'first row (ie column headers)
                If j = UBound(vGrid, 2) Then  'ie last column in col hdrs
                    strTemp = strTemp & "<th>" & vGrid(i, j) & "</th></tr></thead><tbody>"
                    strTemp = strTemp & "<th>" & vGrid(i, j) & "</th>"
                End If
            ElseIf j = 1 Then 'first column so row headers
                strTemp = strTemp & "<tr ><td style=""color: " & ROWHDR_FONT_COLOR & ";text-align: center;"">" & vGrid(i, j) & "</td>"
                If j = UBound(vGrid, 2) Then 'last col
'                    If IsEmpty(vGrid(i, j)) Then 'if it wasn't part of the cell selection
'                        strTemp = strTemp & "<td></td></tr>"  'dont apply formats
'                    Else
                        strTemp = strTemp & "<td " & AnalyzeCell(Cells(vGrid(i, 1), vGrid(1, j))) & ">" & vGrid(i, j) & "</td></tr>"
'                    End If
'                    If IsEmpty(vGrid(i, j)) Then 'if it wasn't part of the cell selection
'                        strTemp = strTemp & "<td></td>" 'dont apply formats
'                    Else
                        strTemp = strTemp & "<td " & AnalyzeCell(Cells(vGrid(i, 1), vGrid(1, j))) & ">" & vGrid(i, j) & "</td>"
'                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
    Grid_2_html = strTemp
End Function

Function AnalyzeCell(cell As Range) As String
Dim strFormat As String, varVal As Variant
strFormat = "style="""
With cell
    If .Font.Bold Then strFormat = strFormat & "font-weight: bold;"
    If .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight Then
        strFormat = strFormat & "text-align: right;"
    ElseIf .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter Then
        strFormat = strFormat & "text-align: center;"
    ElseIf .HorizontalAlignment = 1 Then    'And IsNumeric(.Value)
        On Error Resume Next
        varVal = CLng(.Value)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If Not IsEmpty(varVal) Then strFormat = strFormat & "text-align: right;"
    End If
    If .Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle <> xlLineStyleNone Then strFormat = strFormat & "border-top: 1px solid black;"
    If .Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle <> xlLineStyleNone Then strFormat = strFormat & "border-right: 1px solid black;"
    If .Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle <> xlLineStyleNone Then strFormat = strFormat & "border-bottom: 1px solid black;"
    If .Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle <> xlLineStyleNone Then strFormat = strFormat & "border-left: 1px solid black;"
    If .Font.Italic Then strFormat = strFormat & "font-style: italic;"
    If .Font.Underline <> xlUnderlineStyleNone Then strFormat = strFormat & "text-decoration: underline;"
    If .Font.ColorIndex <> -4105 And .Font.ColorIndex <> 1 And .Font.ColorIndex <> xlColorIndexNone Then strFormat = strFormat & "color: #" & StringColorRev(Right("00000" & Hex(.Font.Color), 6)) & ";"
    If .Interior.ColorIndex <> xlColorIndexNone Then strFormat = strFormat & "background-color: #" & StringColorRev(Right("000000" & Hex(cell.Interior.Color), 6)) & ";"
End With
strFormat = strFormat & ";"""
AnalyzeCell = strFormat
End Function

Function StringColorRev(s As String) As String
Dim temp As String
temp = Right(s, 2) & Mid(s, 3, 2) & Left(s, 2)
StringColorRev = temp
End Function

Function MakeFormulaTable(r As Range, Optional blnArr As Boolean = False) As String
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim temp As String
    temp = "<table cellpadding=""2.5px"" width=""100%"" rules=""all"" style=""border: 1px solid;text-align:center;background-color: " & _
        TB_BCKGRND_COLOR & ";border-collapse: collapse; border-color: " & TB_BORDER_COLOR & _
        """><thead><tr style="" background-color: " & COLHDR_BCKGRND_COLOR & ";color: " & _
        ROWHDR_FONT_COLOR & """><th width=""10px"">Cell</th><th style=""text-align:left;padding-left:5px;"">Formula</th></tr></thead><tbody>"
    For Each cell In r
        'if it is an array formula and it is not in a merged cell we want the currentarray address:
        If cell.HasArray And (cell.MergeArea.Address(False, False) = cell.Address(False, False)) Then
            temp = temp & "<tr><th width=""10px"" style="" background-color: " & COLHDR_BCKGRND_COLOR & ";color: " & ROWHDR_FONT_COLOR & """>" & _
                cell.CurrentArray.Address(False, False) & "</th><td style=""text-align:left"">" & IIf(blnArr, "{", "") & FormatFormula(cell.Formula) & IIf(blnArr, "}", "") & "</td></tr>"
            temp = temp & "<tr><th width=""10px"" style="" background-color: " & COLHDR_BCKGRND_COLOR & ";color: " & _
                ROWHDR_FONT_COLOR & """>" & cell.Address(False, False) & "</th><td style=""text-align:left"">" & FormatFormula(cell.Formula) & "</td></tr>"
        End If
    Next cell
    temp = temp & "</tbody></table>"
    MakeFormulaTable = temp
End Function

Function MakeNameTable(ByRef vNms As Variant) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim temp As String
temp = "<table cellpadding=""2.5px"" width=""100%"" rules=""all"" style=""border: 1px solid;text-align:center;background-color: " & TB_BCKGRND_COLOR & ";border-collapse: collapse; border-color: " & _
    TB_BORDER_COLOR & """><thead><tr style="" background-color: " & COLHDR_BCKGRND_COLOR & ";color: " & _
        ROWHDR_FONT_COLOR & """><th width=""10px"">Name</th><th style=""text-align:left"">Refers To</th></tr></thead><tbody>"
For i = LBound(vNms) To UBound(vNms)
    temp = temp & "<tr><th width=""10px"" style="" background-color: " & COLHDR_BCKGRND_COLOR & ";color: " & ROWHDR_FONT_COLOR & """>" & vNms(i) & _
        "</th><td style=""text-align:left"">" & FormatFormula(ActiveWorkbook.Names(vNms(i)).RefersTo) & "</td></tr>"
Next i
temp = temp & "</tbody></table>"
MakeNameTable = temp
End Function

Function ReplaceChar(ByVal s As String) As String
    'deals with tricky characters such as > <
    ReplaceChar = Replace(Replace(s, ">", ">"), "<", "<")
End Function

Function ExcelVersion() As String
Dim temp As String
On Error Resume Next
Select Case CLng(Application.Version)
    Case 9: temp = "Excel 2000"
    Case 10: temp = "Excel 2002"
    Case 11: temp = "Excel 2003"
    Case 12: temp = "Excel 2007"
    Case 14: temp = "Excel 2010"
    Case 15: temp = "Excel 2013"
End Select
ExcelVersion = temp
End Function

Function ReplaceSpace(ByVal s As String) As String
'function to replace
Dim b() As Byte
Dim i As Long, lngLB As Long
b = StrConv(s, vbFromUnicode)
lngLB = LBound(b)
For i = UBound(b) To lngLB Step -1
    If i > lngLB Then  'if we aren't at the last position
        If b(i) = 32 Then 'if it's a space
            If b(i - 1) = 32 Then b(i) = 160 'if character before is also a space then change current space to a non-breakign space
        End If
    End If
Next i
ReplaceSpace = StrConv(b, vbUnicode)
End Function

' Fix for dicky clipboard =================================================
Function ClipBoard_SetData(MyString As String)
   Dim hGlobalMemory As Long, lpGlobalMemory As Long
   Dim hClipMemory As Long, X As Long
   ' Allocate moveable global memory.
   hGlobalMemory = GlobalAlloc(GHND, Len(MyString) + 1)
   ' Lock the block to get a far pointer
   ' to this memory.
   lpGlobalMemory = GlobalLock(hGlobalMemory)
   ' Copy the string to this global memory.
   lpGlobalMemory = lstrcpy(lpGlobalMemory, MyString)
   ' Unlock the memory.
   If GlobalUnlock(hGlobalMemory) <> 0 Then
      MsgBox "Could not unlock memory location. Copy aborted."
      GoTo OutOfHere2
   End If
   ' Open the Clipboard to copy data to.
   If OpenClipboard(0&) = 0 Then
      MsgBox "Could not open the Clipboard. Copy aborted."
      Exit Function
   End If
   ' Clear the Clipboard.
   X = EmptyClipboard()
   ' Copy the data to the Clipboard.
   hClipMemory = SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hGlobalMemory)
   If CloseClipboard() = 0 Then
      MsgBox "Could not close Clipboard."
   End If
End Function
' End of Fix for dicky clipboard =================================================
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