VBA to loop through sheet and copy contents to a new workbook


Board Regular
Aug 31, 2011
Hi all,

Can someone please help me with a code. I have a workbook with sheet1 which contains data that I want to copy that data to different workbooks (Month tab) based on the values in column a.

The data in Sheet1 is sorted by column a and the workbooks which the data has to be copied to are named based on column a values.

For example the table below will be the values in sheet1[TABLE="width: 500"]

The destination workbooks are saved in a different folder (named Completed) on the desktop. In that folder there are excel files with with name that begin with names like in the Name column above ie IND Monthly Data, IRE Monthly Data, USA Monthly Data etc. There are a lot more than whats shown above so I would like to make the code dynamic.

What I would like to do is to have the code to loop through the data in sheet1 and open files saved in the Completed folder and save the data.

So for example the code will copy the information in the sheet1 to 4 different workbooks and save each and close. The data will be pasted into cell B2 because the destination file already has headers.

Example: workbook "IND Monthly Data" and Month tab will have the following
[TABLE="width: 500"]

Example: workbook "IRE Monthly Data" and Month tab will have the following
[TABLE="width: 500"]

Thank you so much in advance.

You private messaged me to help you with this. I don't have workbook to workbook memorized. I can help you but this will require me to use my desktop for research and I'm busy until Saturday. Chances are, someone would have already solved your problem by then. If not, I'll help you Saturday.

On another note. I don't like the idea you have about your topic. It leaves too Mich room for user error and I'd have to write a lot of validation code to prevent crashes. so instead I have another suggestion...

You have your main workbook open and you run the macro. The macro will find its file location and create a new folder in that location. The folder will be titled by the current date and time(timestamp) to prevent any duplicate errors that could lead to a crash. Then the code will create a new excel doc for each unique item in your A column. It will insert the headers and then populate the rest of each doc as you described.

This is the only way I will write the code for you because Opening workbooks that already exist rather than just create new ones, could lead to crashes without extensive validation code that I am not willing to write because it takes too long.
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@ WarPigl3t
I agree with all your comments. I am still learning but it sounds like you have the right idea. But I had already started an attempt before you replied so I finished. If you do get a chance to “do it right”, and can post a code i think it would be very useful alternative to compare with what I have. I also agree it is asking a bit much in terms of time, but I already had a code doing a similar thing so I modified it..

@ Mjoza
So here is a code for you. The Code is fairly dynamic.
The code should be placed in your master file in a Normal or Worksheet Module. I assume your “Sheet1” in this file is similar to that you showed. However the code should allow for any amount ( Within reason ) of rows and columns, and any number and Format type of headers.

The code first checks That there is a Folder on your Desktop named “Completed“. If it is not there it will create it.

It then loops through as many times as there are unique entries in column 1 ( In your example 4 times corresponding to IRE IND USA SGP. The code allows however for any number of these, and they can be in any mixed up row order ) . The data is filtered according to your criteria. The code then checks for the existence of the File with a name such as “IND Monthly Data” and if it does not exist it will be created and saved in Folder “Completed”. Note also the code allows for additional sheets to be copied if the File is created. Heading and all formatting is also copied across should the File be created. The Filtered data is then copied to “Sheet1” of the destination File, which is then saved with the name format you wanted

The code has a lot of extra unnecessary steps and ‘Comments as I am learning as i go along and need those. But it appears to work

For example, working on your sample data from Post #1 , this is just one of the 4 “sheet1”s which are either created or have data copied across:

Using Excel 2007
[Table="width:, class:head"][tr=bgcolor:skyblue][th]Row\Col[/th][th]

[Table="width:, class:grid"][tr][td]Sheet1[/td][/tr][/table]

This is the Folder ( created if necessary)

Here The Code:

Rich (BB code):
Sub MjozaWorkbookToWorkbooks() '    http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/899597-visual-basic-applications-loop-through-sheet-copy-contents-new-workbook.html     'http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1101975-copy-the-data-from-master-file-and-paste-into-individual-excel-file-as-per-criteria.html
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'This is not too important but can speed things up a bit by disabling the updating of the screen which otherwise frequently happens
On Error GoTo TheEnd 'In the case of an Error goto a section of code at the end of the program
Rem 1) Initial sheet info, Importantly Copying entire data from Sheet1 to an Array.
                                              'Dim vTemp As Variant 'Temporary variable used in debugging
Dim wsMain As Worksheet, wbMain As Workbook 'Give Abbreviation Methods, Properties of Object Worksheet, Workbook through .dot
Set wbMain = ThisWorkbook: Set wsMain = wbMain.Worksheets("Sheet1") 'This code is in here, This Workbook
Dim rm As Long, cm As Long, lmr As Long, lmc As Long 'Variable for Rows, Columns, last Row last Column of Main sheet. Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.--upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyways, so a Long is actually faster.
Dim vLkUpc As Long: Let vLkUpc = 1 'set column number 'Column where search criteria for filtering is. '
Let lmc = wsMain.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'For this sheet the Range Object last cell in Header row, has the End porperty (argument XL to the left) applied returning the first Range object ( cell ) seen "looking" to the left. This further has the Column property applied which returns the column indicie for that cell
Let lmr = wsMain.Cells(Rows.Count, vLkUpc).End(xlUp).Row 'The Range Object ( cell ) that is the last cell  in the column of interest has the property .End ( argument Xl up ) applied to it. This returns a new range ( cell ) which is that of the first Range ( cell ) with something in it "looking up" the XL spreadsheet from the last cell. Then the .Row Property is applied to return a long number equal to the row number of that cell. ( +1 would give the next free cell )
Dim rngDataIn As Range: Set rngDataIn = wsMain.Range("A2", wsMain.Cells(lmr, lmc)) 'This is our full Master data range
Dim arrin() As Variant: Let arrin() = rngDataIn.Value 'Allowed VBA One Liner - An Array of variants may be set to a collection of Range values. The Range object works as to return a collection of (Variants initially) of various types. So Initially must see an Array of Variant types for compatability

Rem 2) If necessary, a Folder "Completed" is created on the Desktop
Dim strFoldername As String, strDefpath As String 'String variables for the relavent parts of Folder Path
Dim objWSHShell As Object 'I use late binding below for sharing so as not to hve to --Tools --References  --Scroll down and tick Microsoft Scripting Runtime library
Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Creat a specific instance of WshShell is  an Object that enables you to query and interact with various aspects of the Windows User Interface.
Dim GetDesktop As String: Let GetDesktop = objWSHShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop") 'This property of the WshShell gives the string path to the desktop
Let strDefpath = GetDesktop & "\" 'Default Path as That of where this code is
Let strFoldername = "Completed"
    If Len(Dir("" & (strDefpath & strFoldername) & "", vbDirectory)) = 0 Then 'If the directory does not exist then...
    MkDir (strDefpath & strFoldername) '...make it
    Else 'The Directory ( Folder )  is presumably already there so do not make it again! Redundant code
    End If

Rem 3) data in Look Up Column is considered and eunique Array ( eunuch() ) produced from that
Dim vLkUp() As Variant 'Dynamic one dimensional array for LookUpColumn
Let vLkUp() = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(arrin(), 0, vLkUpc) 'Returns format type (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (4,1)... >> Index Function with second argument ("row" co - ordinate) set to 0 will return the entire "column" given by third argument ( "column" - co ordinate ), applied to the first argument which is the grid, ( Array , Row_Number, Column_Number)  http://www.excelforum.com/excel-new-users-basics/1080634-vba-1-dimensional-horizontal-and-vertical-array-conventions-ha-1-2-3-4-a.html   https://usefulgyaan.wordpress.com/2013/06/12/vba-trick-of-the-week-slicing-an-array-without-loop-application-index/
Dim Eunuch() As String 'Array used for unique LookUpColumn values to be used as both Workbook Names and Search Criteria
ReDim Eunuch(1 To 1) 'We need to size it initially, but it must be a dynamic Array to allow us to increase it's size, hence not done by Dim(1 to 1) which would make it a non dynamic Array
Let Eunuch(1) = "Uniques" 'We do not use the first element of the Array, so just for fun put a Title in it
    For rm = 1 To UBound(vLkUp(), 1) Step 1 'for each "row" in the Look Up Column ( we want to look at the values there )
        If IsError(Application.Match(vLkUp(rm, 1), Eunuch(), 0)) Then 'Match would error if the Unique value was not in the Array for those unique values, in which case ...
        ReDim Preserve Eunuch(1 To UBound(Eunuch()) + 1): Let Eunuch(UBound(Eunuch())) = vLkUp(rm, 1) '.. if not there then put it in!
        Else: End If 'case a unique value already there for this "row"
    Next rm

Rem 4) Main Outer loop for going through Input Array and copying data to workbooks ( Workbooks are creatde inf they do not exist, based on the unique search criteria
Dim Ceunt As Long: Let Ceunt = 0 'Loop Bound variable Count for "vertical" workbooks
Dim ws As Worksheet 'Temporary Worksheet variable for use when adressing File sheets through an inner loop
Dim rngExData As Range 'Temporary range object variable for use when addressing existing data range in an existing file
Dim clms() As Variant 'Array fo Indicies are obtained for the "columns" required in each "vertical" workbook is done just outside the loop as they are the same for all "Verticals". Variant type required to satisfy the type returned by the Evaluate method below
Let clms() = Evaluate("column(A:" & Left(Replace(Cells(1, UBound(arrin(), 2)).Address, "$", "", , 1), (InStr(Replace(Cells(1, UBound(arrin(), 2)).Address, "$", "", , 1), "$") - 1)) & ")") 'Not as complicated as it looks! - The messy bit just gets the Letter part out of the last cell Address. Then the worksheet Function Columns is used:  Returns a 1 D "quasi" horizontal array of size _: to :_  In that array are the number _:   to :_  .  This "quasi horizontal" Array we require for out "magic" code line
    For Ceunt = 2 To UBound(Eunuch()) 'we consider all th relavent unique "Verticals"==========MAIN LOOP=======
    '4a) Indicies are obtained for the "rows" required in each "vertical" workbook
    Dim rwsT() As Long: ReDim rwsT(1 To 1) 'Temporary Array for the indicies of required "rows"
        For rm = 1 To UBound(vLkUp(), 1) Step 1 'for each "row" in the Look Up Column ( we want to look at the values there )
            If Eunuch(Ceunt) = vLkUp(rm, 1) Then 'this would be the case of a "row" inidie we want
            ReDim Preserve rwsT(1 To UBound(rwsT()) + 1): Let rwsT(UBound(rwsT())) = rm 'required indicie is put in the next "along" space in the Temporary 1 D Array
            Else: End If '
        Next rm
    Dim rws() As Long: ReDim rws(1 To UBound(rwsT()) - 1, 1 To 1) 'Our Indicie Array, rws(), will be 1 less than the rwsT as rwsT(1) was not used and is not needed
        For rm = 2 To UBound(rwsT()) 'for all the indicies in the Tempory Array..
        Let rws((rm - 1), 1) = rwsT(rm) '..put in the indicie
        Next rm

    '4b) An Output Array for the the Workbook of this loop
    Dim arrOut() As Variant: Let arrOut() = Application.Index(arrin(), rws(), clms()) 'This "magic" I still do not understand  http://www.excelforum.com/excel-new-users-basics/1099995-application-index-with-look-up-rows-and-columns-arguments-as-vba-arrays.html

    Rem 5)'Produce Output Filees if necerssary and Paste Data
    'wbMain.Save 'Just in case anything goes wrong after the next line which temporarily sremoves all Input Data
    rngDataIn.ClearContents 'Full data is removed temporarily to prevent copying lots of data unecerssary when usin .Copy "One Liner to produce new "Vertical" File
    Dim strMyDrive As String: Let strMyDrive = Left(strDefpath, 2) ', the drive (  C:   E:   etc   )
    ChDrive (strMyDrive): ChDir (strDefpath & strFoldername) 'Changing the Drive and Directory may be needed for check of Filename to work
    Dim strFilename As String: Let strFilename = Eunuch(Ceunt) & " Monthly Data.xlsx" 'New Montly Filename given as that for the considered Unique Look Up Croteria in this Loop
    Dim strFullPathname As String: Let strFullPathname = strDefpath & strFoldername & Application.PathSeparator & strFilename
        If Dir(strFullPathname) <> "" Then 'case File exists               'Dir(CurDir & Application.PathSeparator & strFoldername) <> "" Then
        Workbooks.Open FileName:=strFullPathname: ActiveWorkbook.Activate 'Open existing File and Activate it                                                                                                               'MsgBox "File is present"
        Set rngExData = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion 'CurrentRegion Property acting on a Range Object returns a new range of that in a "box2 encompassing all cells "connected" to The original range object
            With rngExData
            Set rngExData = .Offset(1, 0).Resize(.Rows.Count - .Row + 1 - 1, .Columns.Count - .Column - 1) 'the Offset Property returned a Range Object shifted 1 row down, and the resize property further retuned a range object of one row smaller, so as not to remove haedings
            rngExData.ClearContents 'Clear data ready for new data' cannot use .Clear here as that will work on the original defined With rngExData
            End With 'rngExData

        Else 'Add Workbook        'Workbooks.Add:ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=strFullPathname ', FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
        '5b All wanted sheets are copied in one go.
        Dim Flag As Boolean: Let Flag = True 'Flag for first time around, whether to replace or add to selection
            For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets 'Going through all worksheets
                If ws.Name = "Sheet1" Or ws.Name = "AnyOtherToCopy" Or ws.Name = "SpareSheet" Then 'Any Sheets to be considered by the following code lines should be written in here
                ws.Select Replace:=Flag: Let Flag = False 'Select with argument False results in last selection remaing as part of the selection, so we effectively select all sheets we want at once.
                Else: End If 'Case sheet not to be copied. Do nothing. redundant Code
                Next ws
            ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Copy 'VBA works such that applying .Copy to a sheet or, as here, sheets results in a copy of ttis workbook coming up in a window with the next avauilable default name. Fro now on we can refferenc this as the Active Workbook
            ActiveSheet.Select Replace:=False 'Doesn't appear necerssary, but WTF, probably good practice.
            End If
            '5c)The filtered Data from Sheet1 in the Master File is placed in Sheet1 of Workbook in this file
                With ActiveWorkbook 'The master sheet below must be by its name referrenced and not confused with that in the Master File, wsMain
                    If UBound(rws(), 1) > 1 Then 'Case more than one row with a Unique Look Up criteria relulting in arrOut being 2 Dimensional
                    .Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2").Resize(UBound(arrOut(), 1), UBound(arrOut(), 2)).Value = arrOut()  'A nice "One" liner - Resize selected cell to size of output Array and then the allowed VBA assignment of a collection of values to a Spreadsheet range
                    Else 'Case only one Row found , arrOut() becomes a 1 dimensional Array,
                    .Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2").Resize(, UBound(arrOut())).Value = arrOut()
                    End If
                Application.DisplayAlerts = False: .SaveAs FileName:=strFullPathname: Application.DisplayAlerts = True 'We turn off being alerted ( in this case that we will lose our macros for a .xlsx save): save the file : Switch the Alert object back on
                .Close (1)
                End With 'ActiveWorkbook

        rngDataIn.Value = arrin() 'Put back in data in Master sheet
        Next Ceunt 'Main loop for all Worksheets===============================================END MAIN LOOP======
TheEnd:     'Put all things here which shouls be done even in the case of an error.
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'If this is not done the screen may be "dead" after the code finishes
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Set objWSHShell = Nothing 'May not be necessary, but good practice
End Sub 'MjozaWorkbookToWorkbooks()

Please let me know how you get on

Upvote 0
I had some time to kill after all and wrote your code for you. Here it is as I advertised. The macro you will run is called "myParentMacro"
All other subs and functions are just my way of keeping things organized in my code by dividing smalls tasks up into small macros.
Sub myParentMacro()
    nameColumn = "A"
    headerRow = 1
    firstRow = 2
    mainWB = getWorkbookName(ThisWorkbook.Name)
    mainSht = ActiveSheet.Name
    lastRow = Workbooks(mainWB).Sheets(mainSht).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    filePath = getFilePath(ActiveWorkbook)
    timeStamp = getTimeStamp()
    Call createNewDirectory(filePath, timeStamp)
    arrayOfNames = createArrayOfNames(mainWB, mainSht, firstRow, lastRow, nameColumn)
    Call createNewWorkbook(mainWB, mainSht, nameColumn, headerRow, firstRow, lastRow, filePath, timeStamp, arrayOfNames)
End Sub

Function getWorkbookName(WB_Name)
    mySplit = Split(WB_Name, ".")
    getWorkbookName = mySplit(0)
End Function

Function getFilePath(WB) As String
    getFilePath = WB.Path
End Function

Function getTimeStamp()
    myNow = Now
    myNow = Replace(myNow, "/", "-")
    myNow = Replace(myNow, ":", "`")
    getTimeStamp = myNow
End Function

Sub createNewDirectory(filePath, folderName)
    MkDir (filePath & "/" & folderName)
End Sub

Function createArrayOfNames(mainWB, mainSht, firstRow, lastRow, nameColumn)
    a = 0
    Dim myArrayOfNames() As String
    ReDim Preserve myArrayOfNames(a)
    r = firstRow
    Do Until r > lastRow
        myValue = Workbooks(mainWB).Sheets(mainSht).Range(nameColumn & r).Value
        addNewElementToArrayOfNames = True
        For Each element In myArrayOfNames()
            If element = myValue Then
                addNewElementToArrayOfNames = False
            End If
        Next element
        If addNewElementToArrayOfNames = True Then
            ReDim Preserve myArrayOfNames(a)
            myArrayOfNames(a) = myValue
            a = a + 1
        End If
        r = r + 1
    createArrayOfNames = myArrayOfNames()
End Function

Sub createNewWorkbook(mainWB, mainSht, nameColumn, headerRow, firstRow, lastRow, filePath, timeStamp, arrayOfNames)
    For Each element In arrayOfNames
        Set newWB = Workbooks.Add
        With newWB
            .SaveAs Filename:=filePath & "/" & timeStamp & "/" & element & " Monthly Data" & ".xls"
            newWB_Name = getWorkbookName(newWB.Name)
            Call createMonthlyData(newWB_Name, mainWB, mainSht, nameColumn, headerRow, firstRow, lastRow, element)
        End With
    Next element
End Sub

Sub createMonthlyData(newWB_Name, mainWB, mainSht, nameColumn, headerRow, firstRow, lastRow, arrayName)
    ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Workbooks(newWB_Name).Sheets("Sheet1").Rows(headerRow)
    nextRow = firstRow
    r = firstRow
    Do Until r > lastRow
        nameValue = Workbooks(mainWB).Sheets(mainSht).Range(nameColumn & r).Value
        If nameValue = arrayName Then
            ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Workbooks(newWB_Name).Sheets("Sheet1").Rows(nextRow)
            nextRow = nextRow + 1
        End If
        r = r + 1
End Sub
Upvote 0
@ WarPigl3t
Hi WarPigl3t,
_ . Clear who is the programmer here! ( Not the one that just spent an hour learning from your contribution ( works great of course )
_ can i ask a quick question ... you use “/” a lot in instead of “\” in File Paths. Both seem to work and give back “\” in any created paths. I Find that strange. Can you explain that.
P.s. I found it an idea to change your
_ - that way the code copes even with my German Excel where the First sheet is called “Tabelle”
Thanks again for adding to the Thread. I learn most when I see Profi alternatives to my attempts
Upvote 0
I didn't realize that I used the backslash instead of the forward slash. I don't know why it worked but if it didn't work I would have figured it out because I run the code line by line using F8 rather than just hitting the run button.
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I didn't realize that I used the backslash instead of the forward slash. I don't know why it worked.....
OK. Thanks. Wierd that it works:confused: Other things don't :confused:
I run the code line by line using F8 rather than ....
me too, always. And have A big Watch Window on a second monitor so I can see how variables, especially Arrays get filled
Thanks for the reply
Upvote 0
Getting Run-time error 9 Subscript out of range VB error under the myParentMacro sub:

lastRow = Workbooks(mainWB).Sheets(mainSht).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

Any ideas?
Many thanks!
Upvote 0
@ Nick30075
_ Welcome to the Thread!!!

_ 1) What are you actually wanting to do?

_ 2) What does your main sheet look like?

_3) have you treid first with reduced data similar to the OP's from Post #1)

Upvote 0
Hi Alan,
I am trying to run the vb code posted above by WarPigl3t.
Opened a new xlsm, copied the code above into a new module and when stepping thru, the lastRow assignment is choking on the:

lastRow = Workbooks(mainWB).Sheets(mainSht).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

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