msvec said:
sorry for the barrage of posts, but the sheet i'm working with is terrible, and i figured by the time i created a formula to compare all the 'random' cells, i may as well pull all the values i must verify into a contiguous range and then run either the formula i included earlier or Alaydn's solution, unless someone has a better idea.
The code for ArrayUnion is:
Option Explicit
Function ArrayUnion(ParamArray Arg() As Variant) As Variant
' Code: Juan Pablo González
' Spec: Aladin Akyurek
' May 4, 2003
' Ref:
' Mod: Nov 3, 2003, to reduce number of ReDim Preserve calls.
Dim TempUnion() As Variant
Dim i As Long, Itm As Variant, Ctr As Long
ReDim TempUnion(1 To UBound(Arg) - LBound(Arg) + 1) As Variant
For i = LBound(Arg) To UBound(Arg)
Arg(i) = Arg(i)
If IsArray(Arg(i)) Then
For Each Itm In Arg(i)
Ctr = Ctr + 1
If Ctr > UBound(TempUnion) Then
ReDim Preserve TempUnion(1 To UBound(TempUnion) * 2) As Variant
End If
'ReDim Preserve TempUnion(1 To Ctr) As Variant
TempUnion(Ctr) = Itm
Next Itm
Ctr = Ctr + 1
If Ctr > UBound(TempUnion) Then
ReDim Preserve TempUnion(1 To UBound(TempUnion) * 2) As Variant
End If
'ReDim Preserve TempUnion(1 To Ctr) As Variant
TempUnion(Ctr) = Arg(i)
End If
Next i
If Ctr < UBound(TempUnion) Then
ReDim Preserve TempUnion(1 To Ctr) As Variant
End If
ArrayUnion = TempUnion
End Function