I have a project where I download and format a data file, which includes as part of the process copying information from a master placement workbook and pasting it into the data file. Because the master placement workbook gets used throughout the day for a number of different uses, it may already be open, or it may be closed. I'm trying to create a VBA code that can:
- Check if the master placement workbook is already open
- If it is, activate the master placement workbook
- If it is not, open the master placement workbook
When I run this code and the Master Placement Workbook is not already open, it works fine. If I run it while the Master Placement Workbook IS already open, though, it doesn't activate it, and it throws an error saying that the call to activate it needs debugging. I've been programming macros for about a month now, so I'm willing to admit I may be doing this the wrong way. Any ideas?
- Check if the master placement workbook is already open
- If it is, activate the master placement workbook
- If it is not, open the master placement workbook
Dim temp As String
temp = "C:\File pathway\Master Placement Workbook.xlsx"
Dim Ret
Ret = IsWorkBookOpen(temp)
If Ret = True Then
Workbooks("Z:\Coordinator of Institutional Assessment's Folder\SURVEY DATA DOWNLOADER.xlsx").Activate
Workbooks.Open ("Z:\Coordinator of Institutional Assessment's Folder\SURVEY DATA DOWNLOADER.xlsx")
End If
' Function code obtained from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9373082/detect-whether-excel-workbook-is-already-open
Function IsWorkBookOpen(FileName As String)
Dim ff As Long, ErrNo As Long
On Error Resume Next
ff = FreeFile()
Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #ff
Close ff
ErrNo = Err
On Error GoTo 0
Select Case ErrNo
Case 0: IsWorkBookOpen = False
Case 70: IsWorkBookOpen = True
Case Else: Error ErrNo
End Select
End Function
When I run this code and the Master Placement Workbook is not already open, it works fine. If I run it while the Master Placement Workbook IS already open, though, it doesn't activate it, and it throws an error saying that the call to activate it needs debugging. I've been programming macros for about a month now, so I'm willing to admit I may be doing this the wrong way. Any ideas?