Hi All,
I have the code below which works very well and creates a Temp form that allows one selection from a set range.
My Issue is that I have to amend the code so that the user can select more than one option? Can anyone please help??
I then have a separate macro that uses the temp form with a named range as below;
Many thanks
I have the code below which works very well and creates a Temp form that allows one selection from a set range.
My Issue is that I have to amend the code so that the user can select more than one option? Can anyone please help??
Option Explicit
'Passed back to the function from the UserForm
Function GetOption(OpArray, Default, Title)
Dim TempForm 'As VBComponent
Dim NewOptionButton As Msforms.OptionButton
Dim NewCommandButton1 As Msforms.CommandButton
Dim NewCommandButton2 As Msforms.CommandButton
Dim TextLocation As Integer
Dim X As Integer, i As Integer, TopPos As Integer
Dim MaxWidth As Long
Dim WasVisible As Boolean
' Hide VBE window to prevent screen flashing
Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible = False
' Create the UserForm
Set TempForm = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(3)
TempForm.Properties("Width") = 800
' Add the OptionButtons
TopPos = 4
MaxWidth = 0 'Stores width of widest OptionButton
For i = LBound(OpArray) To UBound(OpArray)
Set NewOptionButton = TempForm.Designer.Controls.Add("forms.OptionButton.1")
With NewOptionButton
.Width = 800
.Caption = OpArray(i)
.Height = 15
.Left = 8
.Top = TopPos
.Tag = i
.AutoSize = True
If Default = i Then .Value = True
If .Width > MaxWidth Then MaxWidth = .Width
End With
TopPos = TopPos + 15
Next i
' Add the Cancel button
Set NewCommandButton1 = TempForm.Designer.Controls.Add("forms.CommandButton.1")
With NewCommandButton1
.Caption = "Cancel"
.Height = 18
.Width = 44
.Left = MaxWidth + 12
.Top = 28 '6
End With
' Add the OK button
Set NewCommandButton2 = TempForm.Designer.Controls.Add("forms.CommandButton.1")
With NewCommandButton2
.Caption = "OK"
.Height = 18
.Width = 44
.Left = MaxWidth + 12
.Top = 6 '28
End With
' Add event-hander subs for the CommandButtons
With TempForm.CodeModule
X = .CountOfLines
.InsertLines X + 1, "Sub CommandButton1_Click()"
.InsertLines X + 2, " GETOPTION_RET_VAL=False"
.InsertLines X + 3, " Unload Me"
.InsertLines X + 4, "End Sub"
.InsertLines X + 5, "Sub CommandButton2_Click()"
.InsertLines X + 6, " Dim ctl"
.InsertLines X + 7, " GETOPTION_RET_VAL = False"
.InsertLines X + 8, " For Each ctl In Me.Controls"
.InsertLines X + 9, " If ctl.Tag <> """" Then If ctl Then GETOPTION_RET_VAL = ctl.Tag"
.InsertLines X + 10, " Next ctl"
.InsertLines X + 11, " Unload Me"
.InsertLines X + 12, "End Sub"
End With
' Adjust the form
With TempForm
.Properties("Caption") = Title
.Properties("Width") = NewCommandButton1.Left + NewCommandButton1.Width + 10
If .Properties("Width") < 160 Then
.Properties("Width") = 160
NewCommandButton1.Left = 106
NewCommandButton2.Left = 106
End If
.Properties("Height") = TopPos + 24
End With
' Show the form
' Delete the form
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove VBComponent:=TempForm
' Pass the selected option back to the calling procedure
End Function
I then have a separate macro that uses the temp form with a named range as below;
Sub Period2() 'Select Overall Reporting Period - The [$-0809] forces the date to English Dim Ops() As Variant
Dim Cnt As Integer, i As Integer
Dim UserChoice As Variant
Cnt = Range("Mths").Count
ReDim Ops(1 To Cnt)
For i = 1 To Cnt
Ops(i) = Format(Range("Mths").Range("A1").Offset(i - 1, 0), "[$-0809]dd-mmm-yy")
Next i
UserChoice = GetOption(Ops, 1, "Select Your Reporting Period")
If UserChoice = False Then
Range("R14") = ""
Range("R14") = Ops(UserChoice)
End If
End Sub
Many thanks
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