I have a large data set that I need to reformat for use with another software program. I am working with excel 2010 in windows 7. My data are currently in long rows (from B to CCA, that is 2,106 columns of data). I need to pull out every 13 consecutive cells and make them their own row (e.g. B1:N1 > B1:N1, O1:AA1 > B2:N2, AB1:AN1 > B3:N3). I have to do this for 158 rows of data. Thus, in the end I should have a 13 x 25,596 spreadsheet (i.e. 13 columns and (2,106/13)*158 rows). I have read several forum posts and know that the "offset" function will help me do this, but I cannot seem to figure out how to make it work. I have followed several examples, but cannot get them to work for my data. Can anyone help? If someone can explain how I can even do this with one row of data (not all 158) that would be great and then I can just manually repeat the processes 158 times (sounds fun...).
Thank you
I have a large data set that I need to reformat for use with another software program. I am working with excel 2010 in windows 7. My data are currently in long rows (from B to CCA, that is 2,106 columns of data). I need to pull out every 13 consecutive cells and make them their own row (e.g. B1:N1 > B1:N1, O1:AA1 > B2:N2, AB1:AN1 > B3:N3). I have to do this for 158 rows of data. Thus, in the end I should have a 13 x 25,596 spreadsheet (i.e. 13 columns and (2,106/13)*158 rows). I have read several forum posts and know that the "offset" function will help me do this, but I cannot seem to figure out how to make it work. I have followed several examples, but cannot get them to work for my data. Can anyone help? If someone can explain how I can even do this with one row of data (not all 158) that would be great and then I can just manually repeat the processes 158 times (sounds fun...).
Thank you