Worksheet to keep track of mail route. Sample sheet below will have approx 900 boxes.
Cols B, E, H, etc will input actual box number.
Cols A, D, G, etc keep numerical order of boxes.
Row 2 at cells C2, F2, I2, etc will show number of boxes on that street.
Some of the formulas used
A4 =IF(B4="","",A3+1)
D4 =IF(E4="","",D3+1)
G4 =IF(H4="","",G3+1)
D3 = =MAX(A3:A37)+1
G3 = =MAX(D3:D37)+1
Problem comes when I need to insert a new box number between two others.
Say on Waverly Rd ... I need to put box 140 between 138 and 144.
Inserting cells throws all the "if" formulas off, and I would have to do some
copying down the entire column again.
Appreciate some ideas or fixes.
Cols B, E, H, etc will input actual box number.
Cols A, D, G, etc keep numerical order of boxes.
Row 2 at cells C2, F2, I2, etc will show number of boxes on that street.
Some of the formulas used
A4 =IF(B4="","",A3+1)
D4 =IF(E4="","",D3+1)
G4 =IF(H4="","",G3+1)
D3 = =MAX(A3:A37)+1
G3 = =MAX(D3:D37)+1

Problem comes when I need to insert a new box number between two others.
Say on Waverly Rd ... I need to put box 140 between 138 and 144.
Inserting cells throws all the "if" formulas off, and I would have to do some
copying down the entire column again.
Appreciate some ideas or fixes.