Sub RegexReplace(rng As Range, _
ByVal replace_what As String, _
ByVal replace_with As String)
Dim RE As Object
Dim v
Dim i As Long
Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
v = rng.Value2
RE.Pattern = replace_what
RE.Global = True
With RE
For i = 1 To UBound(v)
v(i, 1) = .Replace(v(i, 1), replace_with)
End With
rng = v
End Sub
Option Explicit
'used in delete char function
Public Enum whatOperation
remNumbers = 1
remAlpha = 2
remNonNumbers = 4
remNonAlpha = 8
remNonPrintable = 16
remOnlyCustom = 32
End Enum
'can be used as a UDF in a spreadsheet, operates on a single string (cell)
Function delCharsSN(inString As String, _
Optional whatOp As whatOperation = remNonPrintable, _
Optional excludeChrs As String, _
Optional includeChrs As String, _
Optional bTst As Boolean) As String
Dim enumArr As Variant, tmpVar As Variant
Dim boolEnum() As Boolean, fTest As Boolean, boolByte(0 To 255) As Boolean
Dim i As Long, K As Long, tCnt As Long
Dim bArr() As Byte
'number of possible enum vals
Const numEnums = 6
'Const sSOURCE As String = "delCharsSN()"
'bTst = True
'On Error GoTo errHandle
'If Len(inString) = 0 Then Err.Raise glHANDLED_ERROR, sSOURCE, gsIN_STR_NULL
'get array of component powers
enumArr = splitEnums(whatOp, bTst) ': If Not bTst Then Err.Raise glHANDLED_ERROR
'set boolean array (array just to add some convenience)
'note that if a value other than specified enumerated vals are entered this will error
ReDim boolEnum(0 To numEnums - 1)
For Each tmpVar In enumArr
boolEnum(tmpVar) = True
'check if all chars are deleted
If boolEnum(0) Then If boolEnum(2) Then delCharsSN = "": GoTo ErrorExit
If boolEnum(1) Then If boolEnum(3) Then delCharsSN = "": GoTo ErrorExit
'messy bit
'get other chrs
If excludeChrs <> "" Then
bArr = excludeChrs
For i = 0 To UBound(bArr) Step 2
boolByte(bArr(i)) = True
ElseIf boolEnum(5) Then
delCharsSN = inString
GoTo ErrorExit
End If
If Not boolEnum(5) Then
If boolEnum(0) Then
For i = 48 To 57
boolByte(i) = True
End If
If boolEnum(1) Then
For i = 65 To 90
boolByte(i) = True
boolByte(i + 32) = True
End If
'non numeric
If boolEnum(2) Then
For i = 0 To 255
If i < 48 Then
boolByte(i) = True
ElseIf i > 57 Then
boolByte(i) = True
End If
End If
'non alpha
If boolEnum(3) Then
For i = 0 To 255
If i < 65 Then
boolByte(i) = True
ElseIf i > 90 Then
If i < 97 Then
boolByte(i) = True
ElseIf i > 122 Then
boolByte(i) = True
End If
End If
End If
'non printable
If boolEnum(4) Then
For i = 0 To 31
boolByte(i) = True
boolByte(127) = True
boolByte(129) = True
boolByte(141) = True
boolByte(143) = True
boolByte(144) = True
boolByte(157) = True
End If
'end of messy bit
End If
'get other chrs
If includeChrs <> "" Then
bArr = includeChrs
For i = 0 To UBound(bArr) Step 2
boolByte(bArr(i)) = False
End If
bArr = inString
For K = 0 To LenB(inString) - 1 Step 2
If Not boolByte(bArr(K)) Then bArr(tCnt) = bArr(K): tCnt = tCnt + 2
If tCnt = K Then delCharsSN = inString Else delCharsSN = LeftB$(bArr, tCnt)
Exit Function
bTst = False
'If bMain_Err(msMOD, sSOURCE) Then Stop: Resume Else Resume ErrorExit
End Function
'returns 2^x components (binary parts) of a given number
'fairly slow. likely a better way of doing this using MATH!
Function splitEnums(totEnum As Long, _
Optional bTst As Boolean) As Variant
Dim i As Long, tmpVal As Long, tCnt As Long
Dim retArr As Variant
'Const sSOURCE As String = "splitEnums()"
'bTst = True
'On Error GoTo errHandle
If totEnum < 1 Then GoTo ErrorExit
ReDim retArr(0 To 31) 'max size of long
For i = 0 To getPower(totEnum)
If (2 ^ i And totEnum) Then retArr(tCnt) = i: tCnt = tCnt + 1
ReDim Preserve retArr(0 To tCnt - 1)
splitEnums = retArr
Exit Function
bTst = False
'If bMain_Err(msMOD, sSOURCE) Then Stop: Resume Else Resume ErrorExit
End Function
'returns the largest power of some base within a number
Function getPower(num, Optional Base As Long = 2) As Long
On Error Resume Next
getPower = Int(Round(Log(num) / Log(Base), 15)) '15 maximum precision
End Function
delCharsSN("skv34%j4#kd",remAlpha, "#","sk")="sk34%4k"
delCharsSN("skv34%j4#kd",remNonAlpha) = "skvjkd"
'this function returns a 1D array if a column vector, and a 2D array otherwise
'based on a string like matlab "1,2,3;1,2,3" outputs a 2x3 matrix, converting # to doubles
Function ArrayTxt(ByVal sTxt As String, _
Optional lBnd1 As Long = 1, _
Optional lBnd2, _
Optional bTst As Boolean)
Dim vArr, vTmp, v
Dim i As Long, cnti As Long, cntj As Long, lNumRows As Long, lNumCols As Long, lR As Long, lC As Long
Dim lColon As Long, lSemi As Long, lComa As Long, lLbnd As Long, lUbnd As Long
Dim lRevColon As Long
Dim dStep As Double
Dim b2D As Boolean
'Const sSOURCE As String = "ArrayTxt()"
'bTst = True
'On Error GoTo errHandle
sTxt = delDupSpaces(sTxt)
If Len(sTxt) = 0 Then GoTo ErrorExit
If IsMissing(lBnd2) Then lBnd2 = 1 Else b2D = True
'get indexes of delimeters
lColon = InStr(1, sTxt, ":")
lSemi = InStr(1, sTxt, ";")
lComa = InStr(1, sTxt, ",")
'special case like ArrayTxt(1:step:1000)
If lSemi = 0 And lComa = 0 And lColon > 0 Then
lRevColon = InStrRev(sTxt, ":")
lLbnd = CLng(Mid(sTxt, 1, lColon - 1))
lUbnd = CLng(Mid(sTxt, lRevColon + 1))
If chrCount(sTxt, ":") = 2 Then
dStep = CDbl(Mid(sTxt, lColon + 1, lRevColon - lColon - 1))
Else: dStep = 1
End If
cnti = Int((lUbnd - lLbnd) / dStep)
If Not b2D Then
ReDim vTmp(lBnd1 To cnti + lBnd1)
For i = 0 To cnti
vTmp(i + lBnd1) = lLbnd + dStep * i
Next i
ReDim vTmp(lBnd1 To cnti + lBnd1, lBnd2 To lBnd2)
For i = 0 To cnti
vTmp(i + lBnd1, lBnd2) = lLbnd + dStep * i
Next i
End If
ArrayTxt = vTmp: GoTo ErrorExit
End If
'fixes any colon operators (slow...could be improved)
'this function converts to an array, then back to text, then back to an array
'just a little tricky to do efficiently with all the joining etc
If lColon > 0 Then sTxt = fixMatrixInput(sTxt)
If lSemi = 0 Then
vTmp = Split(sTxt, ",")
cnti = lBnd1
If Not b2D Then
ReDim vArr(lBnd1 To UBound(vTmp) - LBound(vTmp) + lBnd1)
For Each v In vTmp
If IsNumeric(v) Then vArr(cnti) = CDbl(v) Else vArr(cnti) = v
cnti = cnti + 1
Next v
ReDim vArr(lBnd1 To UBound(vTmp) - LBound(vTmp) + lBnd1, lBnd2)
For Each v In vTmp
If IsNumeric(v) Then vArr(cnti, lBnd2) = CDbl(v) Else vArr(cnti, lBnd2) = v
cnti = cnti + 1
Next v
End If
lNumRows = chrCount(sTxt, ";") + 1
lNumCols = (chrCount(sTxt, ",") + lNumRows) / lNumRows
ReDim vArr(lBnd1 To lBnd1 + lNumRows - 1, lBnd2 To lBnd2 + lNumCols - 1)
sTxt = Replace(sTxt, ";", ",")
vTmp = Split(sTxt, ",")
lR = lBnd1: lC = lBnd2
For i = LBound(vTmp) To UBound(vTmp)
If IsNumeric(vTmp(i)) Then vArr(lR, lC) = CDbl(vTmp(i)) Else vArr(lR, lC) = vTmp(i)
If lC = lNumCols Then
lC = lBnd2
lR = lR + 1
Else: lC = lC + 1
End If
Next i
End If
ArrayTxt = vArr
Exit Function
'bTst = False
'If bMain_Err(msMOD, sSOURCE) Then Stop: Resume Else Resume ErrorExit
End Function
Function fixMatrixInput(ByVal sText As String) As String
Dim cl As Long
cl = InStr(1, sText, ":")
If cl > 0 Then sText = replaceColonEntry(sText, cl) Else Exit Do
fixMatrixInput = sText
End Function
Function replaceColonEntry(sText As String, colNDX As Long) As String
Dim i As Long, st2 As Long, cnt As Long, lInd As Long
Dim v, vTmp
Dim sChr As String, sTmp As String, sRpl As String, sLeft As String, sRight As String
ReDim v(1 To 3) 'left, step, right
sRpl = Replace(sText, ";", ",")
i = 1
Do While colNDX - i > 0
If Mid(sRpl, colNDX - i, 1) = "," Then Exit Do
i = i + 1
v(1) = CDbl(Mid(sRpl, colNDX - i + 1, i - 1))
If colNDX - i > 0 Then sLeft = Mid(sText, 1, colNDX - i)
st2 = InStr(colNDX + 1, sRpl, ":"): lInd = InStr(colNDX + 1, sRpl, ",")
If (st2 < lInd Or lInd < 1) And st2 > 0 Then
i = 1
Do While colNDX + i <= Len(sRpl)
sChr = Mid(sRpl, colNDX + i, 1)
If sChr = "," Or sChr = ":" Then Exit Do
i = i + 1
v(2) = CDbl(Mid(sRpl, colNDX + 1, i - 1))
v(2) = 1
st2 = colNDX
End If
i = 1
Do While st2 + i <= Len(sRpl)
sChr = Mid(sRpl, st2 + i, 1)
If sChr = "," Or sChr = ":" Then Exit Do
i = i + 1
v(3) = CDbl(Mid(sRpl, st2 + 1, i - 1))
If st2 + i <= Len(sRpl) Then sRight = Mid(sText, st2 + i)
cnt = Int((v(3) - v(1)) / v(2))
ReDim vTmp(0 To cnt)
For i = 0 To cnt
vTmp(i) = v(1) + v(2) * i
Next i
replaceColonEntry = sLeft & Join(vTmp, ",") & sRight
End Function
'|This function returns the input string with all interior duplicate spaces removed
'|Uses a "manual" method for strings <600 characters long
'|Uses application.trim for strings >600 characters long
'|Can be used as a UDF in a spreadsheet
'|06/27/12-Added error handling
Function delDupSpaces(str As String, _
Optional bTst As Boolean) As String
Dim i As Long, iNew As Long, lBnd As Long
Dim tByte() As Byte, skipBlank As Boolean
'Const sSOURCE As String = "delDupSpaces()"
'bTst = True
'On Error GoTo errHandle
If InStr(1, str, " ") < 1 Then delDupSpaces = Trim$(str): GoTo ErrorExit
If Len(str) < 600 Then
tByte = str
iNew = LBound(tByte)
lBnd = iNew
For i = lBnd To UBound(tByte) Step 2
If tByte(i) <> 32 Then
skipBlank = False
tByte(iNew) = tByte(i)
iNew = iNew + 2
ElseIf Not skipBlank Then
tByte(iNew) = 32
skipBlank = True
iNew = iNew + 2
End If
delDupSpaces = Trim$(Left$(tByte, iNew / 2))
delDupSpaces = Application.Trim$(str)
End If
Exit Function
' bTst = False
' If bMain_Err(msMOD, sSOURCE) Then Stop: Resume Else Resume ErrorExit
End Function
'|This function returns the number of times the character 'chr' appears in the string 'str'
'|06/27/12-Added error handling
Function chrCount(str As String, chr As String, _
Optional compareType As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare, _
Optional bTst As Boolean) As Long
'Const sSOURCE As String = "chrCount()"
'bTst = True
On Error GoTo errHandle
If Len(str) = 0 Then GoTo ErrorExit 'Err.Raise glHANDLED_ERROR, sSOURCE, gsIN_STR_NULL
If Len(chr) = 0 Then GoTo ErrorExit 'Err.Raise glHANDLED_ERROR, sSOURCE, gsIN_STR_NULL
If Len(chr) <> 1 Then GoTo ErrorExit 'Err.Raise glHANDLED_ERROR
chrCount = Len(str) - Len(Replace(str, chr, "", , , compareType))
Exit Function
' bTst = False
' If bMain_Err(msMOD, sSOURCE) Then Stop: Resume Else Resume ErrorExit
End Function
Here is such a UDF...Besides a VBA User Defined Function (UDF) solution
Function NoDigits(S As String) As String
Dim X As Long
NoDigits = S
For X = 0 To 9
NoDigits = Replace(NoDigits, X, "")
End Function
Here is such a UDF...
HOW TO INSTALL UDFsCode:Function NoDigits(S As String) As String Dim X As Long NoDigits = S For X = 0 To 9 NoDigits = Replace(NoDigits, X, "") Next End Function
If you are new to UDFs, they are easy to install and use. To install it, simply press ALT+F11 to go into the VB editor and, once there, click Insert/Module on its menu bar, then copy/paste the above code into the code window that just opened up. That's it.... you are done. You can now use NoDigits just like it was a built-in Excel function. For example,
Instead of hard-coding the characters in an array, here is a UDF which lets you pass the characters in as a text string...Hi Rick,
If I want to add the characters ";" and "#" in the list of those to be removed, how do I tweak the code?
Is there something I can do to make X as an array e.g.
X = array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,;,#) ?
Function RemoveCharacters(Text As String, Remove As String) As String
Dim X As Long
RemoveCharacters = Text
For X = 1 To Len(Remove)
RemoveCharacters = Replace(RemoveCharacters, Mid(Remove, X, 1), "")
End Function