Use tab/return to go from one ActiveX box to the next?


New Member
Dec 8, 2002
I'm constructing a form using ActiveX controls based in a worksheet, which will be used to populate a database. I want the form users to be able to move from one ActiveX box to the next, down the form, using the tab and/or return keys.

Any ideas how this is done?

In the Box's properties, make sure that Tab Stop is set to TRUE, then number them accordingly.

Tab & Enter will move you from box to box based on the Tab Order.

Hope that helps,

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It's not entirely clear whether you're using a userform or controls placed on the worksheet. If the former then go with pennysaver's suggestion. If the latter, you will need to use a Frame control and draw the controls within it. The Frame control doesn't appear with the regular Control Toolbox controls, so click on the 'Additional' button (shaped like a crossed spanner and hammer) and scroll down the list until you find the entry for Microsoft Forms 2.0 Frame, select it and draw it on the worksheet. Now, right-click on the Frame and choose Frame Object-Edit, this should cause another Toolbox to appear (if it doesn't right-click again and check the Toolbox menu option), use that one to draw your textboxes etc on the Frame surface. When you're done, right-click on the Frame again and choose Tab Order and order your boxes.
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Thanks for this Mudface, only problem is I've constructed the form direct onto the worksheet without a frame... is there any way I can transfer the controls I've already constructed into the frame? Or do I have to start all over again inside the frame?
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Hi There - the following code will allow a user to navigate controls directly on the sheet. Depending on the number of controls it could be quite a bit of coding. Tab or Enter will set the focus to the next control specified.

Private Sub txtPath_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyTab Or KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then
If CBool(Shift And 1) Then
End If
End If
End Sub

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jeremyh said:
Thanks for this Mudface, only problem is I've constructed the form direct onto the worksheet without a frame... is there any way I can transfer the controls I've already constructed into the frame? Or do I have to start all over again inside the frame?

From a quick experiment, there doesn't seem to be a way to do it, no. The usual way would be to cut and paste the control into the frame (rather than dragging it) but that doesn't seem to work. Anybody else got any ideas?

dtaylor's rotuine is a good idea, but would involve writing a lot of code if you have more than a few controls to truly simulate a tab order.
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I have a questiona bout this. After you get the elements into the frame how do you write code for them? I cannot seem to access any of my boxes. I tried Frame1.Textbox1.text = "whatever" as well as simply TextBox1.text = "whatever and neither worked. I am sure it is real simple but early in the morning isn't the best time to figure things out. Thanks.
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...only problem is I've constructed the form direct onto the worksheet without a frame... is there any way I can transfer the controls I've already constructed into the frame? Or do I have to start all over again inside the frame?

The simplest solution is to initially put the controls in a Frame control and let it manage the Tab order. It’s a pretty clean solution. But there are two unfortunate problems with frames:

  1. If you first create a complex set of ActiveX controls on a worksheet and then, belatedly, decide that you need to manage their Tab order, you can’t just cut and paste the existing, sheet-level controls into a newly added Frame control. You must start over and replicate your application inside the Frame, as described in Use tab/return to go from one ActiveX box to the next?.
  2. If your application requires the user to interact with both the containing worksheet’s cells and the ActiveX controls, you can’t easily define a fully-functional transparent Frame control through which the user can see cell values, let alone interact with them behind the frame.
So here’s a fairly complete solution for managing ActiveX controls’ Tab order using VBA code. It may look rather complicated at first but its use is actually very straightforward.
To experiment with this example:

  • Open a new workbook.
  • On Sheet1, add three ActiveX controls: a command-button, a text-box, and a second command-button. Retain their default names, which will be “CommandButton1”, “TextBox1”, and “CommandButton2”, respectively.
  • Open the VBE editor and copy the code below into the Sheet1 module.
  • On the worksheet, select one of the controls and then use the Tab and/or Enter keys to experiment with moving from control to control.
  • In this version, if you use the Enter key on a command-button, it will just execute the button’s Click event but will not move to the next control. If that behavior is desired, it can be easily added.
To change the Tab order of managed controls, all you have to do is edit the TabOrderDef list! If you need to add a new control to be managed:

  • Add its name to the list in its desire tab-order position.
  • Add a KeyDown event handler for the newly managed control.
  • Copy the code from one of the exiting KeyDown event handlers.
  • IMPORTANT: In the new KeyDown event handler, edit the "Set ThisCntrl = Me.YourControlName" statement so that it references the name of your newly managed control!
If you need to do any special processing of, for example, text-box contents, see the dummy-comment that denotes that purpose in the MoveFocus subroutine.

Option Explicit

'Declare the module-global tab-order control constants and variables

    'NOTE: See the MoveFocus routine's header commentary for specifics about how the tab-sequence is managed in
    'this implementation.
    Private Const fmShiftMask   As Integer = 1  'SHIFT was pressed.
    Private Const fmCtrlMask    As Integer = 2  'CTRL was pressed.
    Private Const fmAltMask     As Integer = 4  'ALT was pressed.

    Private Const AtlTabKeyCode As Integer = 18 'Sometimes used by programmers to swap windows when debugging

    'To change the Tab order of managed controls, just edit the following list:
    Private Const TabOrderDef   As String = _
            "CommandButton1," & _
            "TextBox1," & _
            "CommandButton2"                'Is module-global so that all controls on this sheet can access it

    'NOTE: See the MoveFocus routine's header commentary regarding (re)initialization of the following
    Private TabOrderNames    As Variant     'Is module-global so that all controls on this sheet can access it
    Private TabOrderCntrls() As OLEObject   '                           "

    Private Const ChkBoxType As String = "CheckBox"
    Private Const CmdBtnType As String = "CommandButton"
    Private Const OptBtnType As String = "OptionButton"
    Private Const TxtBoxType As String = "TextBox"

'                                           ActiveX/OLE Control Event Handlers

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    MsgBox "CommandButton1 was clicked"
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
    'NOTE: Uses the KeyDown (or KeyUp) event because it is triggered for action keys like Enter and Tab, and also
    'because it provides the Shift/Ctrl/Alt key status.

    Dim ThisCntrl As Object
    Set ThisCntrl = Me.CommandButton1   'IMPORTANT: Customize to refer to this event handler's parent control!

    Static TabIdx As Integer            'Static so its value is persistent, but is local to this event handler

    If KeyCode = AtlTabKeyCode Then Exit Sub    'Sometimes used by programmers to swap windows when debugging
    Call DoActionKey(KeyCode, ThisCntrl, TabIdx, Shift)
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
    MsgBox "CommandButton2 was clicked"
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
    'NOTE: Uses the KeyDown (or KeyUp) event because it is triggered for action keys like Enter and Tab, and
    'also because it provides the Shift/Ctrl/Alt key status.

    Dim ThisCntrl As Object
    Set ThisCntrl = Me.CommandButton2   'IMPORTANT: Customize to refer to this event handler's parent control!

    Static TabIdx As Integer            'Static so its value is persistent, but is local to this event handler

    If KeyCode = AtlTabKeyCode Then Exit Sub    'Sometimes used by programmers to swap windows when debugging
    Call DoActionKey(KeyCode, ThisCntrl, TabIdx, Shift)
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_LostFocus()
    If TextBox1.Value <> vbNullString Then MsgBox "TextBox1 contains: '" & TextBox1.Value & "'"
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
    'NOTE: Uses the KeyDown (or KeyUp) event because it is triggered for action keys like Enter and Tab, and also
    'because it provides the Shift/Ctrl/Alt key status.

    Dim ThisCntrl As Object
    Set ThisCntrl = Me.TextBox1         'IMPORTANT: Customize to refer to this event handler's parent control!

    Static TabIdx As Integer            'Static so its value is persistent, but is local to this event handler
    If KeyCode = AtlTabKeyCode Then Exit Sub    'Sometimes used by programmers to swap windows when debugging
    Call DoActionKey(KeyCode, ThisCntrl, TabIdx, Shift)
End Sub

'                                           Module Subroutines and Functions

Sub DoActionKey(KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, Cntrl As Object, ByRef TabIndex As Integer, Shift As Integer)
    'Checks whether the specified key code is an action key (Enter or Tab) and, if so, initiates the appropriate
    'action, depending on the type of the specified control and, possibly, its property settings.
    'In this implementation:
    '   * Tab key: regardless of the control's type, the focus is moved to the previous or next control in the
    '     globally defined tab-sequence order, depending on whether the Shift key was also pressed or not.  See
    '     the MoveFocus routine's header commentary for specifics about how the tab-sequence is managed in this
    '     implementation.
    '   * Enter key:
    '       + If the control is a commmand button, then that button's Click event handler is called to simulate
    '         a button click.
    '       + If the control is a text box:
    '           - If it is a single-line text box or its new-line Enter key behavior is disabled, then the Enter
    '             key press is treated like an un-shifted Tab key and focus is moved forward to the next control
    '             in the globally defined tab-sequence order.
    '           - If it is a multi-line text box and its new-line Enter key behavior is enabled, then the Enter
    '             key press remains unprocessed by this routine and is thereby allowed to function as a new-line
    '             operation in the multi-line text box.
    'NOTE: This routine may need to be customized for a different implementation.
    '   KeyCode     The key code to be checked for being an action-key code.
    '   Cntrl       The ActiveX/OLE control object from which the key code was generated due to its having focus
    '               at the time of the user key-press.
    '   TabIndex    The tab-index value of the control that generated the key code.  See the MoveFocus routine's
    '               header commentary regarding (re)initialization of this (ByRef) parameter.
    '   Shift       The state of the Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys at the time of the user's key press action.  Is a
    '               bit array defined by the constants fmShiftMask, fmCtrlMask, and fmAltMask.
    Select Case KeyCode
    Case vbKeyTab
        Dim Backward As Boolean
        Backward = (Shift And fmShiftMask)  'Bit-wise "And" converted to Boolean value
        Call MoveFocus(Cntrl, TabIndex, Backward)
    Case vbKeyReturn
        Select Case TypeName(Cntrl)
        Case TxtBoxType
            If Not (Cntrl.EnterKeyBehavior And Cntrl.MultiLine) Then
                'The Textbox either isn't multi-line or its new-line Enter key behavior is disabled, so treat the
                'enter key like a Tab key and move to the next control in the tab-order.
                Call MoveFocus(Cntrl, TabIndex)
            End If
        Case CmdBtnType
            'This control is a command button, so treat an Enter key press like a click event.
            On Error Resume Next    'In case the specified command button has no Click event handler defined
            Application.Run Me.CodeName & "." & Cntrl.Name & "_Click"
            On Error GoTo 0
        Case Else
            Stop 'CUSTOMIZE: Add additional cases above, for other control types, for your implementation.
        End Select
    End Select
End Sub

Sub MoveFocus(Cntrl As Object, ByRef TabIndex As Integer, Optional Backward As Boolean)
    'Moves the focus to the next or previous ActiveX/OLE control listed in the (global) TabOrderCntrls list,
    'depending on whether the Backward paramater is False (default) or set to True by the calling code.  The
    'next/previous control is determined relative to the specified tab-index value, which defines the calling
    'control's position in the TabOrderCntrls list.
    '   Cntrl       The ActiveX/OLE control object from which the focus is to be moved.
    '   TabIndex    The tab-index value of the control from which the focus is to be moved.  If uninitialized
    '               (value = 0) then it is (re)initialized by searching the (global) TabOrderNames array for
    '               the specified control-name and sets this (ByRef) parameter, and thereby the calling event
    '               handler's corresponding variable argument, to be its found position in that array.
    '   Backward    If set to True, the focus is moved backward.  If False (default) then the focus is moved
    '               forward.
    'NOTE: If necessary, the global arrays TabOrderNames and TabOrderCntrls are (re)initialized before processing
    '      the move-focus event, using the root-definition of the tab order defined by the (global) control-name
    '      list, TabOrderDef.
    Dim ChkAXObj As Object
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim NextCntrl As Object
    Dim TabOrderCount As Integer

    'Check whether all variables are initialized
    If IsEmpty(TabOrderNames) Then
        'The (global) tab order control-names list is uninitialized, so initialize it using the TabOrderDef list
        'of the controls to be included in move-focus control system.
        TabOrderNames = Split(TabOrderDef, ",")
        ReDim Preserve TabOrderNames(1 To UBound(TabOrderNames) + 1) 'Convert from zero-based to one-based array
        If Not IsInitArray(TabOrderCntrls) Then
            'The (global) tab order control-objects list is also uninitialized, so initialize it.
            ReDim TabOrderCntrls(1 To UBound(TabOrderNames)) 'First, allocate the necessary number of entries
            'Check whether each ActiveX/OLE control on the specified control's parent worksheet is included in the
            'tab order control-names list and, if so, add them to the tab order control-objects list in the same
            'position as in the tab order control-names list.
            Dim ChkCntrl As OLEObject
            Dim WkSh As Worksheet
            Set WkSh = Cntrl.Parent
            For Each ChkCntrl In WkSh.OLEObjects
                'Search for this worksheet control in the tab order control-names list
                For i = LBound(TabOrderNames) To UBound(TabOrderNames)
                    If TabOrderNames(i) = ChkCntrl.Name Then Exit For   'If found, exit search loop
                Next i
                If i <= UBound(TabOrderNames) Then
                    'This control is on the tab order list, so add it to the tab order control-object list in the
                    'corresponding position (unless it is a command button with its TakeFocus******* property
                    Set ChkAXObj = ChkCntrl.Object  'Get the actual ActiveX control from its OLE-object wrapper
                    If TypeName(ChkAXObj) = CmdBtnType Then
                        'Is a command-button control, which has a TakeFocus******* property, so check whether it
                        'is set to allow this control to actually take the focus and, if so, add it to the tab
                        'order control-object list.
                        If ChkAXObj.TakeFocus******* Then
                            Set TabOrderCntrls(i) = ChkCntrl
                            TabOrderCount = TabOrderCount + 1
                        End If
                    Else 'No other control types have a TakeFocus******* property, so no need to check them
                        Set TabOrderCntrls(i) = ChkCntrl
                        TabOrderCount = TabOrderCount + 1
                    End If
                End If
            Next ChkCntrl
            If TabOrderCount < UBound(TabOrderCntrls) Then
                'Some of the controls in the tab order control-names list were not actually added (i.e. command
                'buttons with their  TakeFocus******* property diabled), so resize the resulting tab order
                'control-object list accordingly.
                ReDim Preserve TabOrderCntrls(LBound(TabOrderCntrls) To TabOrderCount)
            End If
        End If
    End If
    If TabIndex = 0 Then
        'The calling control's tab index value is uninitialized, so initialize it by finding the control name's
        'position in the tab order control-names list.
        Dim CntrlName As String
        CntrlName = Cntrl.Name

        For i = LBound(TabOrderNames) To UBound(TabOrderNames)
            If TabOrderNames(i) = CntrlName Then Exit For   'If found, exit search loop
        Next i
        If i > UBound(TabOrderNames) Then
            'Didn't find it, so display an explanatory error message and then abort
            Call MsgBox("The ActiveX control '" & CntrlName & _
                        "' was not found in the 'TabOrderDef' control list.", _
                        vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "PROGRAMMING ERROR")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        TabIndex = i    'Found it
    End If
    'Do any special processing (e.g. formatting a Textbox date string to be a standard date format) prior to
    'actually moving the focus to a different control
    'Do the move-focus operation by incrementing to the next/previous tab index

    i = TabIndex + IIf(Backward, -1, 1)
    'But adjust for possible tab order control-object list wrap-around conditions
    If Backward Then
        If i < LBound(TabOrderCntrls) Then i = UBound(TabOrderCntrls) 'Past start of list, so wrap to end of list
        If i > UBound(TabOrderCntrls) Then i = LBound(TabOrderCntrls) 'Past end of list, so wrap to start of list
    End If
    Set NextCntrl = TabOrderCntrls(i)
    If Not NextCntrl Is Nothing Then NextCntrl.Activate 'Move the focus
End Sub

Public Function IsInitArray(CheckArray) As Boolean
    'Returns True if the specified array argument is an initialized array, False otherwise.  If the specified
    'argument is not an array variable, then False is returned so that the programmer will discover the
    'misapplication of this function as a result of unexpected behavior of the algorithm in which it is used.

    Dim UB As Long

    On Error Resume Next
    UB = UBound(CheckArray)
    IsInitArray = (UB > -1 And Err = 0)   'NOTE: must check value of UB, as described below*
    On Error GoTo 0

    ' * because Split() has a "bug" that can result in an uninitialized array for which UBound returns -1
    ' without throwing an error.  e.g. Split(vbNullString, ",").  I put "bug" in quotes because that is how
    ' Ubound() should always work on an uninitialized array but, unfortunately, it doesn't, except as a
    ' result of the Split() anomaly.
End Function
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