Hi gagon,
In order to print a tiff file you must use a program that is capable of printing it. Then you can use the VBA SHELL function to run the print as a shell command. Here's an example of using SHELL to print a tiff file using the Microsoft PhotoEditor that is included with MS Office"
Shell """C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\PhotoEd\photoed.exe"" -p h:\misc\MyPicture.tif"
Note that I included the complete path to the photoeditor application, and also the complete path to the MyPicture.tif file (not necessary if the file is in the current directory). I used double quotes in the photoed path because the path contained a space.
This SHELL command can be embedded in an Excel VBA macro.
It is also possible to print tif files from other applications using DDE or Automation. The Automation approach requires an OLE-compliant application, but also provides much more capability--for example, the ability to size and place the picture on the page, adjust the picture's contrast or brightness, etc. If you are unfamiliar with Automation you can read up on Automation in the VBA helps of any MS Office application under the topic "Understanding Automation".