I am trying to write a code which will copy files from one directory to other based on some keywords in File Name.
The keywords are specified in a range in the spreadsheet. The code should pick each keyword, search for files containing that keyword and copy all the files with that keyword in the name to the directory specified. If the keyword is not found, it highlights the cell in the range as red.
Here's the Code:
It works fine till it reaches copying section where I am getting error "Bad file name" or "Invalid Qualifier". If anyone could help correcting this one. Thanks.
I am trying to write a code which will copy files from one directory to other based on some keywords in File Name.
The keywords are specified in a range in the spreadsheet. The code should pick each keyword, search for files containing that keyword and copy all the files with that keyword in the name to the directory specified. If the keyword is not found, it highlights the cell in the range as red.
Here's the Code:
Sub CopyFiles()
Dim srcFOLDER As String
Dim tgtFOLDER As String
Dim fRNG As Range
Dim fName As Range
Dim BAD As Boolean
srcFOLDER = ActiveSheet.Cells(4, 3)
tgtFOLDER = ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 3)
Set fRNG = ActiveSheet.Range("E4:E2000").SpecialCells(xlConstants)
For Each fName In fRNG
If InStr(1, Dir(srcFOLDER), fName, vbTextCompare) Then 'Checking whether the file contain keywords in column
FileCopy srcFOLDER & "*" & fName & "*" & .Text, tgtFOLDER & "*" & fName & "*" & .Text
fName.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
BAD = True
End If
Next fName
If BAD Then MsgBox "Some files were not found. These were highlighted for your reference."
End Sub
It works fine till it reaches copying section where I am getting error "Bad file name" or "Invalid Qualifier". If anyone could help correcting this one. Thanks.