And here is my VBA solution
- Press ALT+F11 to open VBA Editor
- Insert a new Module
- Paste this code
[*]Function ProgressBar(ByVal MyValue As Double, ByVal MyShapeName As String)
On Error Resume Next
ActiveSheet.Shapes(MyShapeName).Width = MyValue
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
- Go to your worksheet and insert a Shape (recangle)
- Select the recangle
- Click in the Formular bar and refernce your value cell. Type like =$A$1 if your percentage value sits in cells A1
- goto another cell (free choice) and type =ProgressBar(A1;"NAME OF YOUR RECANGLE")
- And thats it!

If you now change the value in Cell A1 the width of your new Progressbar will change too!