Hi all,
My file is all done and is awesome (thanks to some tweeks by you guys) but since it has a userform in it when it opens, it means that it does not allow users to go to another Excel workbook (that has nothing to do with the one with the userform), meaning that they have to close the file whenever they want to access another excel file for whichever reason and that's kinda lame.
Is there a way around this? I've tried looking for answers for about a week now and can't find anything usefull apart from the vbmodeless feature but that allows access to all Excel spreadsheets open but also therefore teh data inside the one with userform that I don't want them to edit manually.
I was thinking that having Excel open as a completely new instance when the file is open would solve this as it would be basically seen with Windows as a completely new program even if excel is already running but I'm not sure if I am right in thinking this or if it is even possible.
What I would like:
- when the excel spreadsheet opens, it appears but i have a userform that opens ontop of it taht doesn't allow access to the data on teh spreadsheet (that's fine since i don't want them to be able to just change data willy-nilly)
- if there is another excel workbook open at the same time I would like them to be able to view them whenever they wish without having to close the file with the userform.
My file is all done and is awesome (thanks to some tweeks by you guys) but since it has a userform in it when it opens, it means that it does not allow users to go to another Excel workbook (that has nothing to do with the one with the userform), meaning that they have to close the file whenever they want to access another excel file for whichever reason and that's kinda lame.
Is there a way around this? I've tried looking for answers for about a week now and can't find anything usefull apart from the vbmodeless feature but that allows access to all Excel spreadsheets open but also therefore teh data inside the one with userform that I don't want them to edit manually.
I was thinking that having Excel open as a completely new instance when the file is open would solve this as it would be basically seen with Windows as a completely new program even if excel is already running but I'm not sure if I am right in thinking this or if it is even possible.
What I would like:
- when the excel spreadsheet opens, it appears but i have a userform that opens ontop of it taht doesn't allow access to the data on teh spreadsheet (that's fine since i don't want them to be able to just change data willy-nilly)
- if there is another excel workbook open at the same time I would like them to be able to view them whenever they wish without having to close the file with the userform.