Copy, Move and Delete Row, based on Cell Value


New Member
Jun 20, 2009
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  1. 365
  1. Windows
I have a spreadsheet (Sheet 1) listing current Work Orders with each work order occuping a seperate row; Column E lists the status of the work order, with the status being chosen from a drop down list.
I would like to have a macro that will copy the entire row and paste into (Sheet 2) when the status is changed to CLOSED, and clear the contents of the cells on Sheet 1.
The aim of this being of course to have all open work orders on sheet 1 and all closed orders on sheet 2.
Hope someone can help me with this
to a worksheet module
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Columns("e")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Target.Count > 1 Then
    MsgBox "You can not change multiple cells in col.E"
    If Target.Value = "CLOSED" Then
        Target.EntireRow.Cut _
        Sheets("sheet2").Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(2)
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End If
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Upvote 0
Thanks for the quick reply.
I probably should have given more detail in by original question; I have a colourcoding macro in worksheet module; this seems to be causing a problem when I add the code you supplied.
Sheet 1 is titled `Current Work Orders` and Sheet 2 is Àrchived`.
I messed around with the your code but confess I really dont have enough knowledge to know if I am improving the situation or making it worse!!
I also noticed that when the data is cleared from Sheet 1, the drop list is no longer available in that row.
Sheet 1 looks like this; (some columns are omitted due to personal info)
Current Work Orders

<TABLE style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; PADDING-LEFT: 2pt; PADDING-RIGHT: 2pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial,Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><COLGROUP><COL style="WIDTH: 30px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><COL style="WIDTH: 107px"><COL style="WIDTH: 36px"><COL style="WIDTH: 206px"><COL style="WIDTH: 84px"><COL style="WIDTH: 81px"><COL style="WIDTH: 75px"><COL style="WIDTH: 165px"><COL style="WIDTH: 165px"></COLGROUP><TBODY><TR style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><TD></TD><TD>C</TD><TD>D</TD><TD>E</TD><TD>F</TD><TD>G</TD><TD>H</TD><TD>I</TD><TD>J</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 34px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">3</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0; FONT-FAMILY: Calibri; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Work Order</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0; FONT-FAMILY: Calibri; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Task</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0; FONT-FAMILY: Calibri; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">STATUS</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0; FONT-FAMILY: Calibri; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">% Completion</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0; FONT-FAMILY: Calibri; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Due by</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0; FONT-FAMILY: Calibri; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Scheduled Start Date</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0; FONT-FAMILY: Calibri; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Description</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0; FONT-FAMILY: Calibri; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Location</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 17px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">4</TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 17px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">5</TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c0c0c0"></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 17px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">6</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">772255</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">01</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">AWAITING 3rd PARTY</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">99</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f0f0f0">09/11/2008</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f0f0f0">15/07/2009</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">1 Guy</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">Maki Rd, NAN</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 17px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">7</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">772488</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">01</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">AWAITING 3rd PARTY</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">99</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f0f0f0">09/11/2008</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f0f0f0">15/07/2009</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">1 Guy</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">Maki Rd, NAN</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 17px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">8</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff99cc">782417</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff99cc">01</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff99cc">COMPLETE - Awaiting Inspection</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff99cc">100</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff99cc">12/02/2009</TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff99cc"></TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff99cc">5 Poles Emerg T&T, Coutenay</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff99cc">Mt Washington, Strathcona</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 17px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">9</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">814343</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">01</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">SCHEDULED</TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff"></TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">01/05/2009</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">20/07/2009</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">Tx, Arr, HU service</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">Kennedy St, NAN</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 17px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">10</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">807160</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">01</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">SCHEDULED</TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff"></TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">07/05/2009</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">22/07/2009</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">Pole Replacement</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">Fitzwilliam St, NAN</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 17px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">11</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">816433</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">01</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">SCHEDULED</TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff"></TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">17/05/2009</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">01/07/2009</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">Pole Replacement</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">Raines Rd, NAN</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 17px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">12</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">799190</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">01</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">SCHEDULED</TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff"></TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">18/05/2009</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">13/07/2009</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">2 Pole Replacements</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">Yellowpoint Rd</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 17px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">13</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">807187</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">01</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">SCHEDULED</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">60</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">18/05/2009</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff; COLOR: #339966; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">29/06/2009</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">Pole Renewal</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ccffff">Place Rd, NAN</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 17px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">14</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #33cccc">772635</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #33cccc">02</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #33cccc">WORKING</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #33cccc">20</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #33cccc">24/05/2009</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #33cccc">15/06/2009</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #33cccc">Install New 3ph line</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #33cccc">Boxwood Rd, NAN</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 17px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">15</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">776791</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">04</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">COMPLETE</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">100</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">24/05/2009</TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00"></TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">Line Deviation</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">Norasea, NAN</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 17px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">16</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">776791</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">07</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">COMPLETE</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">100</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">24/05/2009</TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00"></TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00"></TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">Norasea Rd, NAN</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Excel tables to the web >>" target="_blank"> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

And the code for this sheet is as follows;

Private Sub Find_Click()
' Find Macro
' Macro recorded 16/06/2009 by XXXXXXXXXXX
Cells.Find(What:=Search.Value, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
End Sub
Private Sub Possesion_Click()
' Arrange by Current Owner
Range("B6:Z100").Sort Key1:=Range("K6"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub
Private Sub Search_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub Status_Click()
' Arrange by STATUS
Range("B6:Z100").Sort Key1:=Range("E6"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub
Private Sub WONumber_Click()
' Arrange by Work Order number
Range("B6:Z100").Sort Key1:=Range("C6"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub
Private Sub DueDate_Click()
' Arrange by Due Date
Range("B6:Z100").Sort Key1:=Range("G6"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub
Private Sub StartDate_Click()
' Arrange by Start Date
Range("B6:Z100").Sort Key1:=Range("H6"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range, i As Long
Dim cell As Range, Answers As Variant
Dim Colors As Variant
Colors = Array(24, 15, 38, 44, 42, 20, 36)
Answers = Array("CLOSED", "SUSPENDED", _
"COMPLETE - Awaiting Inspection", "COMPLETE", "WORKING", _
Set rng = Range("E6:E100")
rng.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
For Each cell In rng
For i = LBound(Answers) To UBound(Answers)
If LCase(cell) = LCase(Answers(i)) Then
cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = Colors(i)
Exit For
End If
Next i
Next cell
End Sub

When I added the copy and move code; I did this;
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range, i As Long
Dim cell As Range, Answers As Variant
Dim Colors As Variant
Colors = Array(15, 38, 44, 42, 20, 36)
Answers = Array("SUSPENDED", _
"COMPLETE - Awaiting Inspection", "COMPLETE", "WORKING", _
Set rng = Range("E6:E100")
rng.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
For Each cell In rng
For i = LBound(Answers) To UBound(Answers)
If LCase(cell) = LCase(Answers(i)) Then
cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = Colors(i)
Exit For
End If
Next i
Next cell
If Intersect(Target, Columns("e")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Target.Count > 1 Then
MsgBox "You can not change multiple cells in col.E"
If Target.Value = "CLOSED" Then
Target.EntireRow.Cut _
Sheets("sheet2").Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(2)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End If
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Hope this better explains what I,m trying to do and thanks for the help
Upvote 0
Just a tip, I've done stuff like this, and I would have to caution about the worksheet_change approach which would do it instantaneously. You would have to create a second macro over on the other sheet to simplify the moving work orders BACK to sheet 1 if you ever accidentally "close" the wrong row.

rI'd suggest the same macro approach, but put an "Archive Work Orders" button on the sheet so I could control the moment when the closed rows are sent to the other sheet.
Upvote 0
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range, x
Dim Answers As Variant
Dim Colors As Variant
Colors = [{15, 38, 44, 42, 20, 36}]
Answers = Array("SUSPENDED", _
"COMPLETE - Awaiting Inspection", "COMPLETE", "WORKING", _
Set rng = Range("E6:E100")
If Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Target.Count > 1 Then
      MsgBox "You can not change multiple cells in " & rng.Address
With Target
    If .Value = "CLOSED" Then
        r.EntireRow.Cut Sheets("Àrchived").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2)
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        x = Application.Match(cell.Value, Ansers, 0)
        If IsNumeric(x) Then cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = Colors(x)
    End If
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Upvote 0
THAT is a great tip, I think you just saved me from a future meltdown!!!!!!!
Thanks jbeaucaire!
Upvote 0
Seiya, Thanks again for your quick reply; I combined jbeaucaire`s advice with your amended code and came up with this;

Private Sub Archive_Click()
'Archive Closed Work Orders to Sheet 2 - 'Archive'
Dim rng As Range, x
Dim Answers As Variant
Dim Colors As Variant
Colors = [{15, 38, 44, 42, 20, 36}]
Answers = Array("SUSPENDED", _
"COMPLETE - Awaiting Inspection", "COMPLETE", "WORKING", _
Set rng = Range("E6:E100")
If Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Target.Count > 1 Then
MsgBox "You can not change multiple cells in " & rng.Address
With Target
If .Value = "CLOSED" Then
r.EntireRow.Cut Sheets("Àrchived").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
x = Application.Match(cell.Value, Ansers, 0)
If IsNumeric(x) Then cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = Colors(x)
End If
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

...but I`m getting a compile error; Block If without End If, and I cant see where its missing!
Upvote 0
What advise ?

Anyway can you just delete r ?
Rich (BB code):
    If .Value = "CLOSED" Then
        r.EntireRow.Cut Sheets("Àrchived").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2)
Upvote 0
What advise ? run the macro from a command button.

Anyway can you just delete r ?
Rich (BB code):
    If .Value = "CLOSED" Then
        r.EntireRow.Cut Sheets("Àrchived").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2)

I deleted r ... still get compile error.
Sorry if I`m being a little slow here; this is all new to me!!!!!
Upvote 0
I missed that, Private Sub Archive_Click()
Private Sub Archive_Click()
'Archive Closed Work Orders to Sheet 2 - 'Archive'
Dim rng As Range, x, r As Range
Dim Answers As Variant
Dim Colors As Variant
Colors = [{15, 38, 44, 42, 20, 36}]
Answers = Array("SUSPENDED", _
"COMPLETE - Awaiting Inspection", "COMPLETE", "WORKING", _
Set rng = Range("E6:E100")
For Each r In rng
    If r.Value = "CLOSED" Then
        r.EntireRow.Cut Sheets("Àrchived").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2)
        GoTo again
        x = Application.Match(r.Value, Ansers, 0)
        If IsNumeric(x) Then r.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = Colors(x)
    End If
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
However it will need another sub routine to let the wrongly transerred data back to the original sheet as nobody perfect.
So, it should have no difference between Change/Click event for me anyway.
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