Does any know if it is possible to sort numerous worksheets based off a list of cells that are the names of the worksheets within the same file?
For example my worksheet names are:
YTD Texas
YTD Florida
Period Texas
Period Florida
I can sort the sheets by alpha but it puts the two YTD worksheets together when I need the two Texas sheets side by side (I need this on a file that contains over 100 worksheets otherwise I would do it manually)
I was wondering if I could create my order of sheet name in another worksheet and reference that list through vba code? thanks for any insight
For example my worksheet names are:
YTD Texas
YTD Florida
Period Texas
Period Florida
I can sort the sheets by alpha but it puts the two YTD worksheets together when I need the two Texas sheets side by side (I need this on a file that contains over 100 worksheets otherwise I would do it manually)
I was wondering if I could create my order of sheet name in another worksheet and reference that list through vba code? thanks for any insight