Saving Multiple Sheets as Separate CSV files - VBA


New Member
May 18, 2006
I have a spreadsheet with 10 sheets. I need to set up some VBA code so the macro will save three of the tabs as separate .csv files for uploading into our software.

The three tabs are named: EID Upload, Wages with Locals Upload, Wages without Local Upload.

Right now, I would like the new file names to match the sheet names.



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Move date out one month or year
Use =EDATE(A2,1) for one month later. Use EDATE(A2,12) for one year later.
Seems to work for me:
Sub asdf()
Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In Sheets(Array("EID Upload", "Wages with Locals Upload", "Wages without Local Upload"))
   ws.SaveAs ws.Name, xlCSV
Next ws

End Sub
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Thanks Kristy. However, this appears to save the entire spreadsheet as a csv each time under different name.

I need my original spreadsheet to remain as a xls.

I was hoping to find a way where each csv saved will contain only the appropriate worksheet. It sounds like I will need to copy each worksheet to a new workbook, then save as csv.

Any suggestions?


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Hrm. Looks like you're right. I didn't notice it doing that before, I just saw there were 3 csv files created with only the data for the sheets.

You can copy them to a new workbook, then save that, though.

Sub asdf()
Dim ws As Worksheet, newWb As Workbook

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each ws In Sheets(Array("EID Upload", "Wages with Locals Upload", "Wages without Local Upload"))
   Set newWb = ActiveWorkbook
   With newWb
      .SaveAs ws.Name, xlCSV
      .Close (False)
   End With
Next ws
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
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After changing the above code to reflect the sheet names contained within my workbook the above code worked beautifully for me as well! I do have a couple of questions though...

I have a zip file that I download regularly that contains 20 or so individual workbooks containing only 1 worksheet per workbook (with unique sheet names). How difficult, or how would I, create additions to this code that would have it (from a new blank workbook):

Open each workbook contained in the folder, copy the sheet in that workbook to the new blank workbook and repeat this process until all the sheets from the individual workbooks are now saved as individual sheets in the new blank workbook with the name remaining the same. In short I would like to condense the 20 individual workbooks into one workbook with twenty sheets.

Any help would be appreciated.


Sub ToCSV()

Dim ws As Worksheet, newWb As Workbook

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each ws In Sheets(Array("List 1", "List 2"))
   Set newWb = ActiveWorkbook
   With newWb
      .SaveAs ws.Name, xlCSV
      .Close (False)
   End With
Next ws
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
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