Board wish list

. I realize many of the points here have been well covered already… but just as I may have an actual bit of recent experience which changed a bit my opinion on a couple of points discussed here ………………………
. - Since joining MrExcel about 9 Months ago I was solely here, my only main Forum Participation. I was very much for both:
. 1) Splitting the sometimes incredibly busy main forum into for example 3: VBA ; Excel General and ; a Beginners Forum
. 2) Attachments !!!!

. 1) Recently I was amazed what can be done with a formula. I even managed a couple of complicate ones in answering Threads that both me and other much more experienced users almost always went for with VBA solutions! On one I did an extra answer where the OP already had good VBA solutions … when I finished I coincidentally noticed he had actually originally asked for a Formula, ?! My conclusion is that there is just too much overlap there in possibilities and to try and constrict a solution by having specific Forums restricts a bit the possibilities for getting the best solution (And may of-course encourage the very bad multiple posting thing which I think understandably really annoys everyone). By far the best Threads in my opinion are those with as many different solutions as possible. It make a much better contribution generally
( A beginners section for idiots like me maybe I and others could still live with).

. 2) ATTACHMENTS- that one again!! In the new year I started somewhere else where they have attachments. Because of the sort of threads I am capable of and try to answer I found / find often having a Worksheet in addition to screen shots very useful. New posters, for example, rarely master the Forum HTML tools before posting (Pertly unfortunately as many never intend replying or coming back I think……).
. But now with that new experience I must admit to changing my opinion a bit. I really find it a disadvantage not having the HTML Spreadsheet screen shot Tool. And I can confirm ( in my opinion ) it makes a Thread much less easy to follow without it. I think it is a very good compromise the current situation here that
. 2a) The HTML Screen shot tool is here, available, and should be strongly encouraged to be used, but
. 2b) That the possibility is there over File sharing facilities to additionally include a Workbook when it is useful. ( But it is a little bit easier with an in built attachment I agree – but then again I also agree it encourages laziness in not learning to and using the HTML screen shot tool).
. When I ask for and receive a Workbook I always then post back in the thread at least sample screen shots from the File I receive so that others can see clearly what is going on.
. ( I wonder if it could be considered for an additional rule that when Files are supplied it is a rule that at least parts of them are then posted back in the thread. But I appreciate that then again we have more rules that the mods have to deal with and clearly they are all already busy enough working very hard voluntarily doing the main job of answering Excel (and Access etc) Question Threads. ..


. P.s. Thanks to the OP for starting a Post with title “Board Wish list” . Maybe there is one already but I did not find it with a few Googles. I suspect the “ parent software ” vBulletin“ thing” gets updated and the Mods would communicate any other suggestions that may be posted here to the „vBulletin people, thing” or whatever it is exactly!?“ (bit of info here on that…Post #9 and #11.

….. Board Wish list….

… I would find it very helpful if the time out period was increased.
. Especially because of the following phenomena that I often experience
. If the time out occurs when I am preparing a Thread or reply, I must re-log-in. Every time I do this it uses up one of my quota of 5 (Despite me being certain I have used the correct password etc). After 5 times I am then prevented from logging in again for a period of time (which I find in the practice is about 30 minutes rather than the stated 15 minutes)
. This can be very frustrating if trying to take part “actively” in a Thread.


P.s. a similar problem I occasionally experience.
.. Sometime I am logged out automatically when I reply. Again then I start using up my quota when re – logging in.

P.s. 2 I do always have both remember me boxes checked.

P.s. 3 For anyone experiencing the same problem. I find on average the problem is a bit minimized if in the steps after replying, reclogging in etc.. one waits a bit, that is to say do not rush clicking on things. The MrExcel editor seems to react better if you give it a bit of breathing space before doing or clicking anything.
Board Wish List:

. This may be a personal preference as I like to include a lot of ’Green Comments , but it may be useful for others also (at least those trying to work throug my Codes!! )

. I think it would be helpful if the MrExcel Code Window (Obtained by Highlighting code and clicking on the # sign at the top of the thread window) the Code looked similar to as in the VB Development Window (Obtained by Alt F11). In particular if no extra carriage returns were included. That way everyone is happy.. Most of the ’Green Comments are not to be seen. But if you do wish to see them you can see them by scrolling right.

. As example:-

… Compare this:-

 [color=lightgreen]'3) Part 3)--transfer range objects from dictionary to array of ranges in one go, typical Array assignment "One Liner" - The quick way to place data into an array is to dimension a variable ( for example rResults ) ....[/color]
 [color=blue]Dim[/color] rResults() [color=blue]As[/color] [color=blue]Variant[/color] [color=lightgreen]'... As a Variant and then the "Let rResults  = " code line Using a variant allows BOTH .-1) for capturing Objects, text, numbers, blanks  errors etc. from those cells and also 2) allows rResults to be an array variable.....[/color]
 [color=blue]Let[/color] rResults() = dicLookupTable.Items() [color=lightgreen]'... In this case it will also accept us quasi pre - defining as Array with the pair of parentheses rResults()[/color]
 [color=lightgreen]'End part 3)--- NOTE: this gives automatically the 0 to ..   convention in rResults Array! and the output held in the Array is Variant type and is an OBJECT of the sort like a Range. (This compares with a similar code utilising An Array of Ranges rather than the MicrosoftScriptimeRuntimeDictionary. (In the Array of Ranges case we could Dim as Range or Variant here. - Important however in that case is that the Dynamic rResults() Array and the (in that Array of Ranges case non dynamic) arrIn() Array are of the same type. - Either both Range to return an Array of element Type Range or both Variant to Return an Array of element Type Of Objects of the Range Sort : - RoryA . You can only assign one array to another directly (i.e. without looping....... and the two arrays are the same type.[/color]

 [color=blue]Dim[/color] TempCell [color=blue]As[/color] Range: [color=blue]Set[/color] TempCell = wksLE.Cells(1, Columns.Count): [color=blue]Dim[/color] TempCellOffset [color=blue]As[/color] Long: [color=blue]Let[/color] TempCellOffset = 0 [color=lightgreen]'We choose a cell (or through the later use of the offset a column) to use for Duplicate or Empty cells. We use the last column in the sheet. (This is genarally a good practice as it will not effect attempts with .End(XltoLeft) to find last column[/color]
 [color=lightgreen]'2a) Part2a) Looping to put Range Objects in MRSD[/color]
    [color=lightgreen]'For i = StartColumnTableOutput To LastColumnTableOutput Step 1[/color]
        [color=blue]For[/color] rws = sr [color=blue]To[/color] lr [color=blue]Step[/color] 1
          [color=blue]If[/color] wksLE.Cells(rws, 1).Value <> "" [color=blue]Then[/color] [color=lightgreen]'If cell is not empty then...[/color]
               [color=blue]If[/color] [color=blue]Not[/color] dicLookupTable.Exists(wksLE.Cells(rws, 1).Value) [color=blue]Then[/color] [color=lightgreen]'check that the unique value does not already exist. ##NOTE[/color]
                  dicLookupTable.Add wksLE.Cells(rws, 1).Value, wksLE.Cells(rws, 1) [color=lightgreen]'it is easier to understand as well as kind of explicit the first argument does a CStr and the Second Takes anything[/color]
               [color=blue]Else[/color] [color=lightgreen]'If the key exists, that is to say we have a Range with a Duplicate value, we give the key a slightly modified (unique value) , still give the Range Object as an item, but make an indication, here by highlighting the cell in Pink[/color]
               [color=blue]Let[/color] TempCellOffset = TempCellOffset + 1
               [color=blue]Let[/color] TempCell.Offset(TempCellOffset, 0).Value = "Duplicate at   " & rws & " | " & 1 & ""
               wksLE.Cells(rws, 1).Interior.Color = 10987519
               dicLookupTable.Add TempCell.Offset(TempCellOffset, 0).Value, wksLE.Cells(rws, 1) [color=lightgreen]'In case of duplicate we need a unique key, but we stillinclude the Duplicate Range[/color]
               [color=blue]End[/color] [color=blue]If[/color]
           [color=blue]Else[/color] [color=lightgreen]'Case fo an empty cell - inform of empty cell by writing message in that cell via the Tempory cell[/color]
           [color=blue]Let[/color] TempCellOffset = TempCellOffset + 1 [color=lightgreen]'Go to next free tempory cell in tempory column[/color]
           [color=blue]Let[/color] TempCell.Offset(TempCellOffset, 0).Value = "Empty Cell at   " & rws & " | " & 1 & ""
           dicLookupTable.Add TempCell.Offset(TempCellOffset, 0).Value, TempCell.Offset(TempCellOffset, 0)
           [color=blue]End[/color] [color=blue]If[/color]
        [color=blue]Next[/color] rws
    [color=lightgreen]'Next i[/color]
'End Part 2-----------------------------------------------------------
 [color=lightgreen]'3) Part 3)--transfer range objects from dictionary to array of ranges in one go, typical Array assignment "One Liner" - The quick way to place data into an array is to dimension a variable ( for example rResults ) ....[/color]
 [color=blue]Dim[/color] rResults() [color=blue]As[/color] [color=blue]Variant[/color] [color=lightgreen]'... As a Variant and then the "Let rResults  = " code line Using a variant allows BOTH .-1) for capturing Objects, text, numbers, blanks  errors etc. from those cells and also 2) allows rResults to be an array variable.....[/color]
 [color=blue]Let[/color] rResults() = dicLookupTable.Items() [color=lightgreen]'... In this case it will also accept us quasi pre - defining as Array with the pair of parentheses rResults()[/color]
 [color=lightgreen]'End part 3)--- NOTE: this gives automatically the 0 to ..   convention in rResults Array! and the output held in the Array is Variant type and is an OBJECT of the sort like a Range. (This compares with a similar code utilising An Array of Ranges rather than the MicrosoftScriptimeRuntimeDictionary. (In the Array of Ranges case we could Dim as Range or Variant here. - Important however in that case is that the Dynamic rResults() Array and the (in that Array of Ranges case non dynamic) arrIn() Array are of the same type. - Either both Range to return an Array of element Type Range or both Variant to Return an Array of element Type Of Objects of the Range Sort : - RoryA . You can only assign one array to another directly (i.e. without looping....... and the two arrays are the same type.[/color]
[color=darkblue]End[/color] [color=darkblue]Sub[/color] [color=green]'MicrosoftScriptimeRuntimeDictionaryRangeOfRangesKeysItems()[/color]

Dim TempCell As Range: Set TempCell = wksLE.Cells(1, Columns.Count): Dim TempCellOffset As Long: Let TempCellOffset = 0 'We choose a cell (or through the later use of the offset a column) to use for Duplicate or Empty cells. We use the last column in the sheet. (This is genarally a good practice as it will not effect attempts with .End(XltoLeft) to find last column
 '2a) Part2a) Looping to put Range Objects in MRSD
    'For i = StartColumnTableOutput To LastColumnTableOutput Step 1
        For rws = sr To lr Step 1
          If wksLE.Cells(rws, 1).Value <> "" Then 'If cell is not empty then...
               If Not dicLookupTable.Exists(wksLE.Cells(rws, 1).Value) Then 'check that the unique value does not already exist. ##NOTE
                  dicLookupTable.Add wksLE.Cells(rws, 1).Value, wksLE.Cells(rws, 1) 'it is easier to understand as well as kind of explicit the first argument does a CStr and the Second Takes anything
               Else 'If the key exists, that is to say we have a Range with a Duplicate value, we give the key a slightly modified (unique value) , still give the Range Object as an item, but make an indication, here by highlighting the cell in Pink
               Let TempCellOffset = TempCellOffset + 1
               Let TempCell.Offset(TempCellOffset, 0).Value = "Duplicate at   " & rws & " | " & 1 & ""
               wksLE.Cells(rws, 1).Interior.Color = 10987519
               dicLookupTable.Add TempCell.Offset(TempCellOffset, 0).Value, wksLE.Cells(rws, 1) 'In case of duplicate we need a unique key, but we stillinclude the Duplicate Range
               End If
           Else 'Case fo an empty cell - inform of empty cell by writing message in that cell via the Tempory cell
           Let TempCellOffset = TempCellOffset + 1 'Go to next free tempory cell in tempory column
           Let TempCell.Offset(TempCellOffset, 0).Value = "Empty Cell at   " & rws & " | " & 1 & ""
           dicLookupTable.Add TempCell.Offset(TempCellOffset, 0).Value, TempCell.Offset(TempCellOffset, 0)
           End If
        Next rws
    'Next i
'End Part 2-----------------------------------------------------------
 '3) Part 3)--transfer range objects from dictionary to array of ranges in one go, typical Array assignment "One Liner" - The quick way to place data into an array is to dimension a variable ( for example rResults ) ....
 Dim rResults() As Variant '... As a Variant and then the "Let rResults  = " code line Using a variant allows BOTH .-1) for capturing Objects, text, numbers, blanks  errors etc. from those cells and also 2) allows rResults to be an array variable.....
 Let rResults() = dicLookupTable.Items() '... In this case it will also accept us quasi pre - defining as Array with the pair of parentheses rResults()
 'End part 3)--- NOTE: this gives automatically the 0 to ..   convention in rResults Array! and the output held in the Array is Variant type and is an OBJECT of the sort like a Range. (This compares with a similar code utilising An Array of Ranges rather than the MicrosoftScriptimeRuntimeDictionary. (In the Array of Ranges case we could Dim as Range or Variant here. - Important however in that case is that the Dynamic rResults() Array and the (in that Array of Ranges case non dynamic) arrIn() Array are of the same type. - Either both Range to return an Array of element Type Range or both Variant to Return an Array of element Type Of Objects of the Range Sort : - RoryA . You can only assign one array to another directly (i.e. without looping....... and the two arrays are the same type.
End Sub 'MicrosoftScriptimeRuntimeDictionaryRangeOfRangesKeysItems()

…..with this:-
Excel Help Forum

. Alan
… I would find it very helpful if the time out period was increased.....
If the time out occurs when I am preparing a Thread or reply, I must re-log-in. Every time I do this it uses up one of my quota of 5 (Despite me being certain I have used the correct password etc). After 5 times I am then prevented from logging in again

Have you not ticked the remember me checkbox as that normally stops logging out issues?
Have you not ticked the remember me checkbox as that normally stops logging out issues?

Hi, thanks for the reply..


….. Board Wish list…........

P.s. 2 I do always have both remember me boxes checked.


..Yep !

(It is a weird one! Sometimes it works better not too check one of them..... I do then still have to log-in... BUT it does not use up one of my 5 attempts.. So that sometimes helps a bit (Note: there are two remember me checkboxes….-
. as always with these issues Yous just have to experiment a bit. But not a big deal. It is probably healthy to try and work faster!!

Thanks again
No pun intended here but I don't rememeber 2 "Remember me" boxes and have just Logged off and then back on and I only saw the one Remember me checkbox (see image below).
Where is the other one you see?

Okay, as long as this is a board wish list thread, I have one (besides fixing the Like system which I have mentioned in the past and which I guess requires customization)... can a horizontal scroll bar be put on the code window (the thing code tags create) that is displayed in a posted message? Right now, any long lines of code wrap inside of a code window... true, they straighten out when copy/pasted (here is another vote for a copy button by the way) elsewhere, but they look terrible in the message itself. Besides, when you click the "Preview Post" button on the Advanced View, the code window that comes up there has a horizontal scroll bar... so, in essence, the "preview" you are looking at does not match the final output for the code window (making the preview somewhat meaningless I would think).
No pun intended here but I don't rememeber 2 "Remember me" boxes and have just Logged off and then back on and I only saw the one Remember me checkbox (see image below).
Where is the other one you see?


. The other one I see is in a window that comes up - ( after I check that box you showed and hit log-in (without filling my name and password in up there....)

. In that Window I have to type my
User Name:


And then just under Password: is another

Remember Me?

Check box

. - I guess that window does not come up when you log in up there instead of checking the log – in box up there and hitting enter… Another variation to experiment with!!!



P.s. . Sorry I am a bit thick with computers - I do not know how to make a nice screen shot like wot you did. Do you coincidentally have a link to any free download to a good one . - I tried a few once, but either I could not get them to work OR I dis - instillered them as they kept sending me crap (even though I was very careful wot I checked and unchecked when I stepped through the downloading windows..)
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...... can a horizontal scroll bar be put on the code window (the thing code tags create) that is displayed in a posted message? Right now, any long lines of code wrap inside of a code window... true, they straighten out when copy/pasted .........

Hi Rick,

. That is similar to was I was on about in my Post # 13 in this Thread

. .... That does not work here at Mr Excel

or here

Code Tag Test with Long Comments

but does work here

Excel Help Forum

. I think all 3 Forums use similar software, so I guess a simple change by a moderator or Administrator should make it possible?

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@DocAElstein, being honest I wasn't expecting you say you click the log in button without filling in your user details at the first chance you get but you shouldn't be getting logged out as long as you are checking the remember me box at either stage.

I fill out my username, password and click remember me at the stage you can see in the image and never get logged out (except when there are technical issues with the board) and I am normally always logged in once I have turned my computer on whether posting or not, so sometimes 14 hours if the weekend.

As for your P.S. I'll pm you later as I don't normally give suggestions on posting non-copyable images on the board.

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