Favorite Message Board Topics
On December 8-9, 2007, Suat Ozgur spent the weekend updating the MrExcel Message Board from a phpbb system to a vbulletin system.
On Monday, December 10, many people were getting their first look at the new board and Richard Schollar asked, "what happened to my favorites list?"
It turns out that out of 60,000 members at the board, there were about 300 who were using a feature to mark their favorite posts. Richard explained that his favorites list was a veritable reference guide on Excel and Excel VBA.
As Suat was recovering the favorites from the old board to add them to the new board, I asked for a complete list of everyone's favorites. I ran some pivot tables in Excel to try to find the consensus favorites. Which topics kept showing up again and again on many different people's lists of favorites.
There are four different lists on this page:
- List 1 are topics that appeared on anywhere from 6 to 42 different member's favorites list.
- List 2 are topics that appeared on 2 of the MrExcel MVP's lists.
- Lists 3 and 4 are other cuts of the data.
List 1
- "horizontal" criteria? NULL value?
- #N/A -- The Ever Recurring Dreaded Problem
- =--isnumber???
- 1st occurance of non blank cell
- 6 day work week with workday function?????
- 9.9999999 .... ?
- Active Clock
- Adding a Menu to a UserForm !
- Advanced Parse - separate address from suburb in two cells
- Aladin Akyurek's Explanation of Condition-driven computing
- Alphabetize Sheet Tabs?
- ANSWERED! Transfer file through COM/RS232/SERIAL/PORT
- Auto Flag from a list
- Automatic Printing to a PDF - here's how to do it
- Buttons should float in the Worksheet
- Can you put a running clock into excel?
- Captionless UserForm
- cascading combo boxes...???
- clear all textboxs on a form
- Closest match
- Code to bypass Outlook's security prompt
- Combining/Merging Workbooks in need of help!!!!!!!
- Combo Boxes in a form
- Conditional Formatting - color groups based on row value
- Conditional Formatting - More Than 3 Formats
- Contingency Code
- Controls, Toolbars, OnKeys, : ID numbers
- Cool Custom MsgBox for Excel Users !
- Copying cells down
- Count by Color?
- Count distinct function?...
- Count Function?
- Count Function????
- Count Same Number in three ranges
- create combobox & set listfillrange within same macro
- Create Index Sheet
- Create Userform on the Fly?
- Dashes in Formulas "--"
- Data Validation List: each value once!
- Delete Duplicate Rows
- Delete rows depending on cell value in range
- Deleting ActiveSheet.Shapes removes validation dropdowns
- Digitally signing macros
- Directory List
- Drop-Down Box with a Calendar
- Dynamic named range
- Dynamic range or whole columns
- Dynamic Row reference in formula
- Easy way to sum every 6th column [[SOLVED]]
- Encrypting the password
- excel file huge
- Excel Timer??
- Excel Timesheet
- Excel topics you'd want to teach a Noob you were mentoring
- Excel User Form... Filter Combo box based on other
- explanation of dashes
- Extracting data with VLOOKUP. How to handle duplicates?
- Extracting Only Numeric Characters from Cells
- Find Last Numeric Cell Using Formulas
- Find text
- Flashing Text
- Formula to show lowest price of heading
- from excel to notepad
- Fuzzy Matching - new version plus explanation
- go to next reference
- Good Excel Practical Jokes, Pranks, Mean Tricks, etc.
- Great way to Hide Sensitive Data
- Have Excel run a SQL script in query analyzer
- Help modifying code (Lotus Notes email)
- Help to fully understand this formula
- Highlighting row where you are
- How do I force users to enable macros on open?
- How do you average the 10 lowest numbers from a list of 20?
- How do you put a thumbnail in this forum Greg...?
- How to display your sheet on the board/HTML Maker FAQ
- How to hide rows if cells are empty
- How to use MS Self Certification with shared files
- I want my worksheet to have ZERO cells selected
- I want random numbers generated without repeating
- Info only - get.cell arguments
- Inputbox Password
- Is there a way to Pass a image between sheets using =INDEX
- Is there any way to make pivot charts look better
- JOB SECURITY- How to make a VBA script expire!
- just extract the alphanumeric characters
- Last TEXT entry, excluding ""
- List of Sheetnames or TOC w/out VBA or ADD Ins
- load only one instance(no duplicates)
- Locking a userform position
- Lookup for a value in Unsorted data
- Lookup function based on multiple cells
- Lookup within a lookup?
- Macro to change multiple instances of password in a project?
- Macro to copy rows with data from one sheet to another...
- Macro to copy/paste data from one worksheet to another
- Macro to Find and Replace - Speed
- Make a file list using Excel
- More than 3 conditional formats
- More than 3 conditional formats
- Multiple (more than 7) IF Formula
- multi-summing for a check register.
- Naming Tabs After Cells
- need a right click menu on the userform---> VBA
- Need help compiling data from other wooksheets
- Need to Count unique items in a column with VBA
- Nested SUMIF statement?
- Never been tried?
- Opening Files from a List in Excel
- Performance of Formulas for Unique Count
- Pictures in Excel Formula
- Populating a combo box
- Possible for several users to work in the same worksheet
- Problem with SUMPRODUCT
- Pulling data from external files
- Question for Aladin
- Random Scheduling
- Ranking list by value and corresponding name
- Read cell content & ADD content + font properties *SOLVE
- REBUILD your workbook
- Recognize text and count numbers
- Recommended Add-ins and Links (Updated 26 Mar 2007)
- Reduce File Size
- Returning the Highest values in a column
- Rid the N/A# in vlookup
- Search cell content for particular word, if found copy row
- Selection list within a user prompt
- Send email depending on cell values
- Send E-Mail Message
- Sending a selected range through Outlook - NOT A QUESTION!
- Sending Email attaching a Zip file
- Set a Reminder
- Shade alternate VISIBLE rows only in EXCEL
- SHEET TAB NAME - show in cell A1??
- shortcut cheatsheet anyone know
- Spoonfeeding
- start of week formula
- Sum Offset() Array Question
- SUMIF, VLOOKUP (for currency conversion on various months)
- Sumproduct using one range criteria and one fixe cell
- Sweet Excel Calendar Picker
- System Tray
- 'this workbook will self destruct!'
- time limited exccel workbook
- timeout on use - save and close down automatically
- Tips on speeding up excel
- tricks of gurus
- Unique random numbers from a set of numbers
- Up all night.. this better not be an easy answer!
- updating from external spreasheets: Bestway?
- UserForm in Excel via VBAcode
- VBA Headers & Footers - VERY slow
- VBA macro to tell who last saved a file and when
- VBA to count the number of populated cells...?
- VLookup
- Vlookup 2nd value
- vlookup on multiple columns
- vlookup variation??
- Vlookup with multiple results
- Where can i find an entire list of all the formulas in XP?
- Workday Function - How to change to a 6 day workweek
- WORKSHEETS INFO: reference, loop, add, etcetera
List 2
- "Target" equivalent in Worksheet_Calculate (DDE li
- 9.9999999 .... ?
- Aladin Akyurek's Explanation of Condition-driven computing
- cascading combo boxes...???
- clear all textboxs on a form
- code in userforms
- Count Same Number in three ranges
- create combobox & set listfillrange within same macro
- Custom button captions in standard MsgBox - not a question
- Data validation list conotrols other DV list
- Defining Names
- Digitally signing macros
- Extracting Only Numeric Characters from Cells
- FIND LAST ROW: 3 ways if column has numbers or text...
- Formula to show lowest price of heading
- Getting data from one workbook to another
- I want random numbers generated without repeating
- Info only - get.cell arguments
- Is there a LastPossibleRow property for VBA?
- Is there a way to Pass a image between sheets using =INDEX
- just extract the alphanumeric characters
- load only one instance(no duplicates)
- Locate In listbox
- Look up query?
- Lookup function based on multiple cells
- Macro to Find and Replace - Speed
- Need to Count unique items in a column with VBA
- Never been tried?
- Offset Index Match Issue
- Performance of Formulas for Unique Count
- Pictures in Excel Formula
- Recognize text and count numbers
- remove duplicates from list, code useful?
- Rid the N/A# in vlookup
- Sending a selected range through Outlook - NOT A QUESTION!
- Set a Reminder
- Shade alternate VISIBLE rows only in EXCEL
- Sum Offset() Array Question
- Testers Wanted-Feel good about yourself and volunteer today!
- time limited exccel workbook
- vba form problem
- vlookup variation??
- Worksheet_Change Event for Visible Changes Only
List 3
- "code execution has been interrupted " message
- 010407 to 1/4/2007
- 2 Reference Lookup
- 255 Character Limit when copying data
- A Worksheet OnScroll Event ! - How cool is that ?
- Add every other row
- Adding a Specific Number of Zeros To A Material Number
- adding seconds and minutes to get hours and days
- Adjust formula for across worksheets
- Array of unique items by condition
- asynchronous communication between Excel instances
- Average Per
- best function to use regarding date problems?
- Big problem at work-Runtime 57121
- Business days without using NETWORKDAYS
- Calculate values by Calendar month
- Call List of values based on Selection - Validation
- Can events work with run-time-created Forms-controls?
- Case statement
- Cells(1,1) vs Range("A1")
- Chart series source not updating
- Checking if file exists using WEB ADDRESS?
- Code stops on successful Workbook Open
- Color pallet for VBA
- Combined Stacked and clustered bar chart on the same graph
- Compare Numbers
- Complicated IF()
- condensing this VBA
- Conditional formatting to identify hard-coded cells
- Conditional Numeric Formatting
- consolidating multiple wkbks as wkshts
- Copy conditional formatting as formatting.
- Count duplicate values in a list
- Count last consecutive run of data in a row 1
- Count the number of unique letters in a cell?
- Count unique values with a condition
- countif cell contains a specific number
- Counting Formula
- Counting test case results using formula
- Creating a Unique New List Based on a 1st List
- CSV & Excel File giving me a headache
- Date Formulae - Working Days and Specific Day Of Month
- Defining Names
- Deleting named ranges in one go
- Drop-Down Box with a Calendar
- Excel topics you'd want to teach a Noob you were mentoring
- Extract from string
- extracting 1st letter of each word in a string
- Find last entry in several worksheets
- Find last matching cell using wildcard
- Find out if the user has a specific font installed?
- find the first used row
- find the lowest values
- Formula to display all monday's in a month
- Formula: count maximum # consecutive blanks in column
- Formulae for Macro - Can you Help need some help!
- Help with vbs to loop thu folders
- HEX2BIN of a string
- How best to streamline this code?
- How can I Count # cells in specified range with value range?
- How do I build a MSGBOX
- How to find what an error number means [{Solved}]
- how to force new window to open
- How to get the last monday of the month?
- I want random numbers generated without repeating
- Index, match with 2 values
- Info only - get.cell arguments
- Is there a way to Pass a image between sheets using =INDEX
- isnumber query
- John Walkenbachs array formula
- last 10 numbers in a row
- left sum
- Longest Winning Streak
- Lookup a value in multiple columns in another spreadsheet
- lookup closest match
- Macr: Change Positive Values To Negative
- Macro to add/install a reference in VBA
- Macro to create unique list
- Macros and Locked Sheets
- Monte Carlo Simulation
- Multiple count of letters in a column
- Multiple instances of excel 2007
- Need help re-arranging data within a file automatically
- Need help to create formula to Filter Unique
- New Instance Of Excel
- No print message
- Non array formula to return first value in a range
- Offset cells ?
- Open file from network drive
- Open Read Only
- Open secure website and paste username and password.
- Outlook Sent Recieve times
- Pass keystrokes to another program?
- Performance of Formulas for Unique Count
- Populate a List Box With Unique Values from a List
- Price by Volume Formula
- Problem in Min()
- Problem setting cell values in vba
- Programatically Add a Reference
- Programmatically setting references in VBA
- Progress bar - copying a file
- Quartile Function - Not hidden rows
- Question for Aladin
- RANDBETWEEN() excluding values
- remove div/0 error values from excel cells
- Restrict "All" from pivot table page field
- Return the largest letter in an array
- Returning Date from Calendar
- Rounding Formulae
- Rounding Problem
- Send E-Mail Message
- Sending a selected range through Outlook - NOT A QUESTION!
- Seperating last name and first name
- Sort number characters within a cell
- sorting dates into calendar quarters
- Splash Screen Questions
- Splitting Cells
- SQL syntax - defining the format of a field
- STATUS BAR Functions/Shortcuts
- Subtracting early dates to get a number of days
- Sum across worksheets multiple criterias
- Sum Offset() Array Question
- SUM Top x Large Values
- Summing valuesif associated date falls within a range.
- Tax Week Number
- Test for Excel Skills
- text to columbs formula
- The great Barry Houdini gave me the formula but I need more
- this is frying my brian!!!! Help
- To get the path to the "TEMP" folder
- UDF's don't auto-calculate
- Unable to use filters
- Unique count with another condition
- unknown range
- User defined function with variable inputs? How do I do it
- Using Excel to close other applications
- using outlines in a protected sheet
- Validate a URL
- vBulletin Message
- vbYesNo msgbox - change button captions
- What is wrong with this UDF?
- WinAPI Sendmessage()
- XLM4.0 Has Formula in Validation
List 4
- "code execution has been interrupted " message
- 255 Character Limit when copying data
- A Worksheet OnScroll Event ! - How cool is that ?
- Adjust formula for across worksheets
- asynchronous communication between Excel instances
- Average Per
- Big problem at work-Runtime 57121
- Business days without using NETWORKDAYS
- Can events work with run-time-created Forms-controls?
- Checking if file exists using WEB ADDRESS?
- Code stops on successful Workbook Open
- Copy conditional formatting as formatting.
- Count last consecutive run of data in a row 1
- Count the number of unique letters in a cell?
- Count unique values with a condition
- Counting Formula
- Counting test case results using formula
- Creating a Unique New List Based on a 1st List
- CSV & Excel File giving me a headache
- Date Formulae - Working Days and Specific Day Of Month
- Defining Names
- Extract from string
- Find out if the user has a specific font installed?
- find the lowest values
- Formula to display all monday's in a month
- Formula: count maximum # consecutive blanks in column
- HEX2BIN of a string
- how to force new window to open
- How to get the last monday of the month?
- last 10 numbers in a row
- Longest Winning Streak
- Lookup a value in multiple columns in another spreadsheet
- Macr: Change Positive Values To Negative
- Macro to add/install a reference in VBA
- Macro to create unique list
- Multiple count of letters in a column
- Multiple instances of excel 2007
- Need help to create formula to Filter Unique
- New Instance Of Excel
- No print message
- Open file from network drive
- Open Read Only
- Open secure website and paste username and password.
- Outlook Sent Recieve times
- Pass keystrokes to another program?
- Performance of Formulas for Unique Count
- Populate a List Box With Unique Values from a List
- Programatically Add a Reference
- Programmatically setting references in VBA
- Progress bar - copying a file
- Quartile Function - Not hidden rows
- Sort number characters within a cell
- Splash Screen Questions
- Splitting Cells
- SQL syntax - defining the format of a field
- STATUS BAR Functions/Shortcuts
- Sum across worksheets multiple criterias
- text to columbs formula
- The great Barry Houdini gave me the formula but I need more
- this is frying my brian!!!! Help
- To get the path to the "TEMP" folder
- Unique count with another condition
- Using Excel to close other applications
- Validate a URL
- vBulletin Message
- vbYesNo msgbox - change button captions
- WinAPI Sendmessage()