Well, then your experience is different then mine, then.
First, Functions, as do strings, require processing, you'd need a timer to to be sure which gets burned into and evaluated faster in memory.
But here's what you do not need a timer for:
1) Concatenating over and over again, in VB[A], should be considered carefully, as should ReDim Preserve, these can result in very expensive operations. See the following:
I try to think twice when I concatenate...
2) What's the return of Chr(34)? A string, yes? If you want a string, don't use a Variant function, use a String function, it's more efficient and it returns what you want. See the following:
And note, you should probably use ChrW$(), if anything, but don't.
3) Variant functions/concatenation is not easier to trouble-shoot than a string; they are harder to maintain. How could that be clearer to the human eye?
Combine that with being inefficient, it just doesn't make sense, especially in larger processes...