Board Regular
- Joined
- Jun 4, 2005
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Hi Nimrod, or whomever, I am trying to do the following: Basically there are only 2 columns that are important. In the first column there will be MCP codes. All the codes will not be identical and before proceeding to the next calculation, I wan't to make sure that the MCP code in the activecell is equal to the cell below it (or whatever matrix calculation is used). If it is equal, then I want to see if the sum of two corresponding QUANTITY amounts to the MCP codes = 0. So basically I am comparing one row to the row below it. If the MCP codes are = then I want to see if the corresponding QUANTITies = 0, then I will delete the two rows. I am only comparing two rows at a time. After deleteing the two rows, I move back up 1 record and begin the process again, if the MCP codes do not match, then I move to the next row and begin again.
I have solved the problem using a DO WHILE loop, but I know there is a more efficient way to write this code and I am trying to learn. Below is a more complete list of the data. This is really all you need to see of the data, there isn't anything else that is important.
Now I will post the code that I am trying to do and the code that I have that works:
Code that doesn't work:
And here is the code that works:
I have solved the problem using a DO WHILE loop, but I know there is a more efficient way to write this code and I am trying to learn. Below is a more complete list of the data. This is really all you need to see of the data, there isn't anything else that is important.
15LB/665760/3100 -1
15LB/665760/3100 -1
15LB/665760/3100 -1
15LB/665760/3100 -1
15LB/665760/3100 -1
15LB/665760/3100 -1
15LB/665760/3100 1
15LB/665760/3100 1
15LB/665760/3100 1
15LB/665760/3100 1
15LB/665760/3100 1
15LB/665760/3100 1
20EY/137155/3500 -1
20EY/26014/3100 1
20EY/543732/3000 -1
20EY/543732/3000 1
20EY/543732/3000 1
20EY/550158/3400 -1
20GB/26014/3000 1
20GB/543732/3000 -1
20GB/543732/3000 1
20GB/543732/3000 1
Now I will post the code that I am trying to do and the code that I have that works:
Code that doesn't work:
Sub MB51DupDeletion2()
' this macro is used after the data has been sorted in
' ascending order for the MCP, Quantity and Doc Date fields.
Dim TotalRange As Range, Mcp As Range, Quantity As Range, DupRow As Range
Set TotalRange = Range("a2", Range("a65536").End(xlUp))
' the following loop assures that before performing any
' deletions, the MCP numbers are identical. If the MCP
' codes are identical, the loop then determines if the
' sum of the Quantity of the two records equals 0. If
' they do = 0 (TRUE) then the two records are deleted and
' the previous row is selected to run through again. If
' any test is FALSE, then the next record is selected and
' loop begins again.
For Each Mcp In TotalRange
Set Quantity = Mcp(0, 1)
If Mcp = Mcp(1, 0) Then
If Quantity + Quantity(1, 0) = 0 Then
Set DupRow = Mcp.EntireRow
Set Mcp = Mcp(-1, 0)
ElseIf Quantity + Quantity(1, 0) <> 0 Then
Set Mcp = Mcp(1, 0)
End If
ElseIf Mcp <> Mcp(1, 0) Then
Set Mcp = Mcp(1, 0)
End If
And here is the code that works:
Sub MB51DupDeletion()
' this macro is used after the data has been sorted in
' ascending order for the MCP, Quantity and Doc Date fields.
Dim Mcp As Range
Dim Mcp2 As Range
Dim Quantity As Range
Dim Quantity2 As Range
' the following loop assures that before performing any
' deletions, the MCP numbers are identical. If the MCP
' codes are identical, the loop then determines if the
' sum of the Quantity of the two records equals 0. If
' they do = 0 (TRUE) then the two records are delete and
' the previous row is selected to run through again. If
' any test is FALSE, then the next record is selected and
' loop begins again.
Do While ActiveCell <> ""
Set Mcp = ActiveCell
Set Mcp2 = ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0)
Set Quantity = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)
Set Quantity2 = ActiveCell.Offset(1, 1)
If Mcp.Value = Mcp2.Value Then
If Quantity.Value + Quantity2.Value = 0 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Activate
ElseIf Quantity.Value + Quantity2.Value <> 0 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
End If
ElseIf Mcp.Value <> Mcp2.Value Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
End If