So, if you click help, you don't see a menu that says Essbase Help?
If so, click on macros for a quick list, they define paramaters but not the required api references.
If you search the index for the appropriate routine, you can find the required info. E.g, retrieve:
Declare Function EssVRetrieve Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal lockFlag As Variant) As Long
Sub RetData()
X=EssVRetrieve("[Book2.xls]Sheet1", RANGE("A1:F12"), 1)
If X = 0 Then
MsgBox("Retrieve successful.")
MsgBox("Retrieve failed.")
End If
End Sub</pre>
Place the declaration at the top of a module and run the RetData() routine. Works better if you set you members up in advance. :wink:
Hope this helps.