Do you have an "eye" for spotting fast, jet-speed array solutions? Are you a "Jet Eye Master"?
Post your most challenging/interesting problems and how array formulas saved the day. (Try to generalize the issue and resolution so that others can see the value of using your solution.)
Arrays have long baffled me (as they are used in Excel formulas). Now, I can formulate some simple ones, but I still have to whip out my saved notes--downloads from MrExcel posts. But it still doesn't come "naturally" to me. I love SUMPRODUCT but sometimes it is just better to create an array formula.
Sooo, you Jet Eye Masters out there, lets hear from you. :wink:
Post your most challenging/interesting problems and how array formulas saved the day. (Try to generalize the issue and resolution so that others can see the value of using your solution.)
Arrays have long baffled me (as they are used in Excel formulas). Now, I can formulate some simple ones, but I still have to whip out my saved notes--downloads from MrExcel posts. But it still doesn't come "naturally" to me. I love SUMPRODUCT but sometimes it is just better to create an array formula.
Sooo, you Jet Eye Masters out there, lets hear from you. :wink: