Is there a function that can reverse the contents of a cell?
i.e. A1=Cat ...result = tac
Function reverse(S As String)
Dim Temp As String, I As Integer, n As Integer
n = Len(S)
For I = n To 1 Step -1
Temp = Temp & Mid(S, I, 1)
Next I
reverse = Temp & Right(S, Len(S) - n)
End Function
MsgBox StrReverse("cat")
Function Reverse(Backwards As String)
Dim Length, Pos As Integer
Reverse = ""
Length = Len(Backwards)
For Pos = Length To 1 Step -1
Reverse = Reverse & Mid(Backwards, Pos, 1)
Next Pos
End Function
Function reverse(S As String)
reverse = StrReverse(S)
End Function