Hi Chris. I recieved your file but am not sure how your data is getting into your workbook. How is your data getting into columns D thru M? Directly entered by some person, by way of a query, ect...? There is going to be some legwork involved no matter how you go about this.
Here is how I would approach this using your current workbook.
You will need to create a table with the following information. This table would be created on the same worksheet as your archived logos.
LookUp Value, ArchivePictureName, DestinationWorksheetName, DestinationPictureName.. where LookUp Value is the team name such as the value in cell A4 of sheet "NHL Playoffs ROUND 1".
All of your pictures would need to be placed in their own respective single-cell range with the range being sized to the same dimensions as the picture it contains. See the example I posted earlier.
Frankly, I would not do it that way. I would load all of your logos into a single resource file and remove the "NHL & NBA Logo's" worksheet altogether. The resource file might be a simple binary file or an Access database. This would trim away about six megabytes of fat from your workbook. Each picture in this resource file would need a unique ID such as a team name. After doing this, we simply update your pictures on each sheet based upon user entry or calculation. I don't know yet because I do not know how your data actually gets into your worksheets.
If you will provide me with:
Actual disk files or links to each logo.
A unique team-name(ID) for each logo.
Answer my questions about "how" you data is beging entered into your worksheets.
I can help you out.
I also noticed that you have different logos for each team. A large one and a small one. We only need the large ones. Excel will scale it down automatically. Use a single picture, with the best resolution, for each team.
If you do not want to put this much work into this, may I post your workbook here so others can take a look and offer alternative suggestions?