Excel Tips

Excel 2024: Excel Stories »

March 20, 2025

Live 'On Stage' In Person: The Power Excel Seminars. That poster from Hatch Show Print on my website sort of started out as a joke.

Excel 2024: More Excel Tips »

March 17, 2025

More than 200 ideas were sent in for this book. While the following ideas did not get much press here, they are self-explanatory in a 140-character tweet.

Excel 2024: Favorite Keyboard Shortcuts »

March 10, 2025

As I started polling readers about their favorite Excel tips, a large number of them were keyboard shortcuts. Following keyboard shortcuts are presented in order of popularity.

Excel 2024: Customize the Quick Access Toolbar »

March 3, 2025

Even though the Excel team does not think many features are Home-tab-worthy, you can add your favorite features to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).

Excel 2024: Unhide One Specific Column Without Unhiding Others »

February 24, 2025

You are presenting on a Zoom call. You've hidden columns in your spreadsheet that contain Salary, Manager, and Bonus. You need to unhide the Manager data in E but not unhide the Salary in D or the Bonus in F. Normally, you would select from column D to column G and unhide.

Excel 2024: Generate All Combinations Using BASE Function »

February 20, 2025

I occassionaly have a model where I need to test all possible combinations of several outcomes. For example, lets say that you have four different manufacturing lines and three scenarios that could happen per line.

Excel 2024: The Advanced Filter Treats Criteria as "Begins With" »

February 17, 2025

Check out this simple use of Advanced Filter. You are asking for all rows with the Product of Apple to be copied to the output range.

Excel 2024: Circle Invalid Data Automatically »

February 10, 2025

You have some numbers in a worksheet. Those cells should be between 60 and 90 inclusive.

Excel 2024: Temporarily Make Formula Bar Font Size Larger »

February 5, 2025

Say you have a Zoom or Teams call and you temporarily need to make the font size in the formula bar larger.